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at a later meeting after the Markovits and the community have a more detailed plan. <br /> Members agreed. <br /> b. Appointment to the New Hope Creek Advisory Committee- Members voted on the new <br /> PRC representative to the New Hope Creek Advisory Committee. Reyman asked for any <br /> volunteers, and new member Lousie Flinn said she was interested. A vote was taken <br /> after Zimmerman motioned in favor of Flinn being the new representative, and Vice <br /> Chair Mikki Fleming seconded the motion. Members approved all in favor, and youth <br /> delegate Grayson Shinn showed his support as well. <br /> c. Possible Storybook Trail at County Park-There is interest in a storybook trail in a county <br /> park. Stancil illustrated the components of a storybook trail. The Orange County Library, <br /> Erin Sapienza, and Friends of the Orange County Library have expressed interest in this <br /> project, along with some park managers. Trevor Robinson voiced support for a <br /> changeable storybook rather than a permanent display. Flinn expressed that this would <br /> be an opportunity to promote equity and inclusion within the county. Truluck stated <br /> that she would like to join the interest group comprised of the Friends of Orange County <br /> Library and other community members. The Council acknowledged Truluck's interest <br /> and approved. <br /> Old Business: <br /> a. P&R Master Plan 2030 Mid-Plan Report/Findings (Continued Discussion and Timeline): <br /> Stancil facilitated more discussion on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030 Mid- <br /> Plan review. He spoke on the creation of parks within underserved communities that <br /> the County has pursued. Other topics included accessibility and how facilities are <br /> received, collaboration within towns to ensure parks are created with limited land <br /> space, and survey results and questions related to those answers. Reyman asked about <br /> the condition of the only indoor gym at Central Recreation Center and whether a second <br /> gym will be built. Stancil said plans for another gym are in the Capital Investment Plan <br /> toward the end of the decade. The subject of pools and more questions regarding what <br /> those entails, and gardens were considered. Stancil ended the discussion with a timeline <br /> of when the Mid-Plan draft report will be shared with the Council. <br /> Report of the Director: <br /> a. Project/Program Updates (Perry Hills, Blackwood, Headwaters Preserve, etc.): Stancil <br /> gave the date for the final Perry Hills Park master plan meeting, and the Blackwood <br /> Farm disc golf update, as he said the County is looking for a designer. For the <br /> Headwaters Nature Preserve, Stancil added that the County would create a stewardship <br /> and management plan to configure and design this preserve. He also mentioned that <br /> the department is a part of the Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas, with Chris Hirni as the <br /> Orange County coordinator for this project. <br /> b. August Meeting Plans (Davis EAC, Hillsborough)- Parks and Recreation Master Plan Mid- <br /> Plan. <br /> Council and Committee Reports: <br />