Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> • The County ran ads in The News of Orange & La Notica. <br /> • The County spoke about the LHA program on WCHL Chapelboro radio. <br /> • The County produced short LHA informational videos in English and Spanish — these <br /> videos were distributed via social media, community partners, and email. <br /> Staff calculated award amounts using the following guidelines: <br /> • All applicants were arranged in priority order <br /> o FIRST: Tax Burden, largest to smallest <br /> o SECOND: Length in Home, longest to shortest <br /> o THIRD: Age, oldest to youngest <br /> • Full awards were allocated to as many participants as possible using $75,000 of the <br /> $250,000 available funding. <br /> • Staff determined a multiplying factor for the remaining $175,000 in available funding and <br /> used this to reduce all other awards by the same percentage. <br /> • All eligible homeowners received a minimum award amount of $100 or up to the full <br /> amount of the County portion of their tax bill if it was less than $100. <br /> • Award amounts were the County portion of the tax bill less 2% of the applicant's household <br /> income. <br /> Between August 1 and December 1, LHA Applications Submitted <br /> 2022, the County received 500 <br /> applications and awarded $251,037.83 2022 2021 <br /> to 474 households for property tax Number Percentage Number Percentage <br /> assistance (Attachment 1). The <br /> minimum award amount was $100. The Eligible <br /> average award amount was $529.62, Applications 474 95% 91 70% <br /> and the median award amount was Ineligible <br /> $338.56. Applications 26 5% 39 30% <br /> TOTAL 500 100% 130 100% <br /> The County received a significant <br /> volume of applications the first two LHA Award Amounts <br /> weeks and then the last week of the 2022 2021 <br /> program. 95% of all received � <br /> applications were approved. The most Number Percentage Number Percentage <br /> common reason for application denial $1450 (N/A for <br /> was the household being over 80%AM 2022) 0 0% 31 34% <br /> (12 denials), followed by households $51-$100 95 20% 16 18% <br /> not owning their home for five or more <br /> years (10 denials), and the household $101-$200 53 11% 15 16% <br /> living outside of Orange County (2 <br /> denials). $201-$300 59 12% 14 15% <br /> $301-$500 117 25% 9 10% <br /> Of the 474 approved applicants, 67% <br /> were white, 21% were black, 4% were $501-$999 104 22% 4 4% <br /> multi-racial, 7%Asian, 1%were another $1,000+ 46 10% 2 2% <br /> race, and 5% chose not to disclose their <br /> race. 67% of the approved applications TOTAL 474 100% 91 100% <br /> were age 65 or over Of the 24 folks that received full awards, 71% were White, 17% were Asian <br /> and 13% were Black. <br />