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5 <br /> Attachment 1 is the FY 2023-33 Capital Investment Plan Overall Summary of $58,436,700 <br /> (individual projects were provided to the Board of County Commissioners at previous work <br /> sessions, and revised project funding was discussed at the June 8, 2023 budget work session). <br /> Attachment 2 lists County Capital Projects Summary totaling $28,888,432 in FY 2023-24 (Year <br /> 1). <br /> Attachment 3 lists Proprietary Capital Projects Summary totaling $3,556,025 in FY 2023-24 (Year <br /> 1). <br /> Attachment 4 lists School Capital Projects Summary totaling $25,992,243 in FY 2023-24 (Year <br /> 1). <br /> Vice-Chair McKee noted that the only year that is set in stone with this approval is year 1. <br /> Chair Bedford noted that Commissioner Richards proposed a budget amendment for <br /> Durham Tech using Article 46 Sales Tax for $8,200. She said that is not in the written materials <br /> but will be a shift in the allocation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> accept the FY 2023-33 Orange County Ten-Year Capital Investment Plan, and approve funding <br /> for FY 2023-24 and adopt the FY 2023-24 County Capital projects as stated in Attachment 2; the <br /> FY 2023-24 Proprietary Capital projects as stated in Attachment 3; and the FY 2023-24 School <br /> Capital projects as stated in Attachment 4. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Bedford thanked staff for their work on this year's budget. She said this was the <br /> smoothest as far as processes go. <br /> c. 2022 Longtime Homeowner Assistance (LHA) Program Evaluation <br /> The Board received information about the results of the 2022 Longtime Homeowner Assistance <br /> (LHA) program and considered options for program changes for a potential continuation of the <br /> LHA program in 2023. <br /> BACKGROUND: In the spring of 2022, the Orange County Board of Commissioners authorized <br /> updates to the program design for the Longtime Homeowner Assistance (LHA) program to provide <br /> property tax assistance to Orange County households at 80% Area Median Income (AMI) and <br /> below who had lived in their home for at least five years. County staff worked with community <br /> partners on a five-month media campaign to increase awareness about program eligibility and <br /> how to apply with the goal of increasing the number of program applicants from 2021. LHA media <br /> campaign efforts in 2022 included: <br /> • The Tax Office sent the LHA program information flyer alongside the 2022 Tax Bills that <br /> were mailed in August 2022. <br /> • County staff worked with community partners the Jackson Center and Justice United to <br /> promote the LHA program. <br /> • Organized visits to local churches, Rogers Road and Cedar Grove Community Centers to <br /> distribute LHA flyers. <br /> • Staff partnered with church congregations in Orange County, including in northern <br /> Orange, to share information. <br />