Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> I. Orange County Transit Governance <br /> The Board adopted the four elements for each of Durham and Orange County's Transit Plan <br /> Implementation Efforts. <br /> m. Boards and Commissions —Appointments <br /> The Board approved the Boards and Commissions appointments as reviewed and discussed <br /> during June 1, 2023 Work Session. <br /> n. Designation of Three Properties as Orange County Historic Landmarks <br /> The Board adopted ordinances to designate three properties as Orange County Historic <br /> Landmarks: Harvey's Chapel AME Church, the Old Eno Quaker Burying Ground, and the David <br /> Faucette House. <br /> o. Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget Amendment#11 <br /> The Board approved budget, grant, and capital project ordinance amendments for Fiscal Year <br /> 2022-23. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Bonnie Hammersley discussed the memorandums included as information items. She <br /> said there will be more meetings with the Board so they are involved in the entire process of the <br /> comprehensive plan. She thanked the Board for their support during the budget process. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> John Roberts said he sent a legislative update last week, which details some substantial <br /> changes to Boards of Elections. <br /> 11. *Appointments <br /> None. <br /> 12. Information Items <br /> • June 6, 2023 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> • Memorandum — NC Mountains to Sea Trail Progress Report <br /> • Memorandum — Comprehensive Land Use Plan — Consultant Contract Amendment <br /> • Memorandum — Orange County/Lumos Broadband Project <br /> 13. Closed Session <br /> None. <br /> Adjournment <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Jamezetta Bedford, Chair <br /> Recorded by Tara May, Deputy Clerk to the Board <br /> Submitted for approval by Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board <br />