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20 <br /> there are ways to adapt the criteria to prioritize those issues. She said that she is not sure her <br /> colleagues agree with her prioritization. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said changing the priorities would change the timeline for this <br /> because scoring criteria would need to go out with the RFP. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if there is a deadline. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they are trying to get this moving because it takes time. She said <br /> that by November, they would not see any development for 2-3 years. She said starting the front <br /> end as soon as possible is better. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she would not be in favor of increasing point values. She <br /> said that she has issue with leveraging the presupposed bigger organizations with sources of <br /> funds. She asked if that pre-stacks the deck to the larger organizations. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she agrees with Commissioner Richards. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how likely it would be for the developer to request the <br /> land and nothing else. <br /> Corey Root said there was one request for land and the process took around 8 months or <br /> so because appraisals had to be done. <br /> John Roberts said that if it were to be free, something would have to be given in lieu of <br /> cash. He said that building public housing or low income/affordable housing would be a condition. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she is really torn because of the timing and the need but that <br /> she feels uneasy with the scoring rubric that this Board has not had a chance to look at and <br /> change the priorities. She said she does not want to move forward too fast and not make the <br /> impact they wanted to make. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said the whole RFP has to target affordable housing folks less than <br /> 80%. She asked if people could apply for mixed use. <br /> Corey Root said only the units that are affordable housing are scored. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she still has a concern about special needs. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he is unaware of any issues that the scoring brought before. He <br /> said that he has no concern with scoring rubric as previously approved. He said that the developer <br /> will not build until they own the land. He said that given all the steps, this needs to go out and he <br /> does not want to push this back. He said that they can make any adjustments in the next <br /> configuration. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she agrees. She said that she has a strong feeling to get <br /> money out as soon as possible. She said that some parcels have access issues, and some are <br /> very small so almost a one-off project. She said for this particular set of properties, the criteria are <br /> fine, and she is happy to work with the criteria. <br /> Chair Bedford said she agrees with Commissioner Greene on these particular properties, <br /> but there was a conflict and legal question, when the final $2.5 million came in, that the Board <br /> overrode the criteria and gave more money to one organization over another that scored higher. <br /> She asked how much leeway they have to change funding recommendations and what is the <br /> legal claim there. <br /> John Roberts said there is no legal claim. He said this Board is not bound by a prior <br /> Board's policy decision. He said if there are exceptions, then there are exceptions. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked what percentage of units went to folks with special needs in <br /> last funding. <br /> Corey Root said it could be one unit in many. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked about the resolution and what is the definition of low or <br /> moderate income. <br /> Corey Root said moderate is defined at 50%. <br /> Commissioner Greene said those are HUD definitions. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if it is clear they are using the HUD definitions. <br />