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19 <br /> the Board from the $5.7 million. She said the proposals will be scored based on the criteria <br /> adopted by the Board a couple of years ago. She said if there is no interest in the land, then the <br /> recommendation would be to sell the land and put the money of the sale to affordable housing. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked that the Board get to review the criteria for the $5 million <br /> bond again before they decide that is what will be used. She asked if any elected people would <br /> have an opportunity to look at the RFP before it goes out. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it would require a delay in the process but if the Board would <br /> like to do that, it is fine. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she does not want to slow down the process and asked what <br /> the RFP will say. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they can share it with the Board. <br /> Erika Cormack said they were being intentional about when they hope to put the RFP out <br /> due to staff capacity, so they had planned for that. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked how they would add up the column for income targeted units. <br /> Chair Bedford said it is prorated in the orange. She said that it would show the points and <br /> do a sum. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the criteria and the points were determined by the Board. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said it seems like more points should be considered for local <br /> residency. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said there was a discussion at the time and there was an issue that <br /> they might not accept someone that was not in Orange County and would move to Orange <br /> County. She said it was a legal discussion at the time. <br /> John Roberts said there is a problem with only allowing Orange County residents access. <br /> He said it is an equity problem. He said that a points criterion was discussed for local residents <br /> and that might have been workable. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said his understanding is the RFP is a request from the county to <br /> providers for proposals. He said that the providers would then respond and then the RFPs will go <br /> to a group for scoring and the points would be used to score the responses to the RFP. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that maybe there is not time for the Board to review the RFP <br /> and the scoring, but she had an issue that there was no attention to transportation. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said there are five points allocated for that issue. <br /> Commissioner Greene said there are people who do not live in Orange County who would <br /> like to be in Orange County, so she is not troubled by the 5 points for that. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Delores Bailey, executive director of Empowerment Inc, said Empowerment has been <br /> around since 1996. She said that they are building affordable housing with the Peach Project and <br /> the land is being partially conveyed by Chapel Hill. She said that Peach is on Johnson St. and <br /> three of those properties are on the corner of Johnson St. and would be perfect for Peach #2. She <br /> said that Empowerment has also been given an option of an 8-10 acre property and there are <br /> currently five homes on the lots. She said there is potential for more diversity and affordable <br /> housing. She said this is an amazing time for this to be happening. She said that her concentration <br /> will be rentals from 30% to 80% AMI. She said this is going to be an amazing opportunity. <br /> Chair Bedford said the Board of Commissioners did not go with the recommendations <br /> from the advisory groups because they were looking more for the lower in the 30% AMI. She said <br /> these criteria isn't good enough because she'd like to prioritize the number of units that are 30% <br /> AMI. She said she would allocate another 30 points for that. She said some of the Towns are <br /> doing 60% AMI, but they say it is up to the county. She said she is a parent of a special needs <br /> adult, and those populations need additional points. She said that should be the priority. She said <br />