Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Autumn Cox said that is also ok with the state and it is up to each county to determine <br /> how that is handled. She said that if there are members that have gone through the training and <br /> they are willing to continue, they should be able to. <br /> Commissioner Fowler thanked them all for what they do, given the amount of time that <br /> they put into it. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus to move forward with a merger, and asked the County <br /> Attorney to work out the language for extending the number of terms people can serve. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if anyone had spoken to the Director of Social Services <br /> about the merger. <br /> Autumn Cox said no but she got approval from the state's long term ombudsman office. <br /> She said theyjust need a letter from the secretary of the commissioners and then they will approve <br /> it. <br /> Janice Tyler said these two committees have been part of the Department on Aging. <br /> Autumn Cox said she believes that Orange County's letter in support of the training and <br /> the push did a lot. She said the COG director also commends them for that because it seems to <br /> have gotten it moving. <br /> 5. Agricultural Preservation Board —Appointments Discussion <br /> The Board discussed appointments to the Agricultural Preservation Board. <br /> The Agricultural Preservation Board is charged to promote the economic and cultural importance <br /> of agriculture in the county, and to encourage voluntary preservation and protection of farmland <br /> for future production. <br /> The Board of County Commissioners appoints all fifteen members, including eight (8) At-Large <br /> members, and one (1) member from each of the seven (7) Agricultural Districts in the county. <br /> The following individuals are presented for Board consideration: <br /> NAME POSITION TYPE OF EXPIRATION <br /> DESCRIPTION APPOINTMENT DATE <br /> TERM <br /> Vaughn Cedar Grove First Full Term 06/30/2026 <br /> Compton Voluntary Agricultural (Reappointment) <br /> District <br /> Kim Woods Caldwell Voluntary Second Full Term 06/30/2026 <br /> Agricultural District <br /> Dr. Jane Saiers New Third Full Term 06/30/2025 <br /> Hope/Hillsborough <br /> Voluntary Agricultural <br /> District <br /> If the individuals listed above are appointed, the following vacancies remain: <br /> POSITION EXPIRATION VACANCY INFORMATION <br /> DESIGNATION DATE <br /> Schley/Eno 06/30/2024 Vacant since 02/24/2023 <br /> Voluntary <br /> Agricultural District <br /> At-Large 06/30/2025 Vacant since 01/17/2023 <br />