Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> Jim Northrup said the main reason for the drop was the company changed the scoring <br /> metrics and that affected the score. He said one of the things was web-headers and they were <br /> not configured properly and could allow interference, so they have started making corrections with <br /> that and have worked with Civic Plus. He said it takes about 6 months to a year to register those <br /> improvements in the scores. He said that it should be back to 770 or 780 by October. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if 850 is a realistic goal. <br /> Jim Northrup said that he believes it is. He said that even at 850, they still are not at 100%. <br /> He said that 100% is not realistic but 850 is achievable. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked if exposure from international operators is a concern. <br /> Jim Northrup said that they have so many different layers to help capture when things <br /> happen locally but that the general threat has been non-NATO countries. He said those are <br /> blocked and no traffic is allowed. He said sometimes residents live in countries around the world <br /> who need to access website and will have to contact county to make an exception. He said that <br /> happens 4-5 times a year because they block a lot of traffic from those non-NATO countries. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he is not expecting the attacks to go away. <br /> Jim Northrup said they have put a lot of effort into data integrity and ensuring the data is <br /> protected through a layered security approach. He said there are about five different ways the <br /> network is being protected. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if previously the Microsoft contract was a different term. <br /> Jim Northrup said the county is moving to the Microsoft Office 365 subscription model and <br /> they previously bought licenses about every six years for updates. He said that it is more <br /> expensive to go to the subscription model but the benefit for collaboration is much greater. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked about Digital Cheetah Animal Services. <br /> Jim Northrup said it is a new volunteer management tool for Animal Services and they can <br /> also do online training. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked about FY 23-24 highlights for the rural broadband <br /> initiative. <br /> Jim Northrup said they are currently contracted with Lumos with the ARPA funds, and they <br /> have been meeting with them monthly for progress reports. He said they are a little behind on <br /> Phase 1, but only by about a month. He said they will have caught up by September in Phase 2. <br /> He said that they are getting phone calls now and once the trucks start, they will get a lot of calls <br /> and those calls are given to Lumos. He said that close to ten calls or emails a week are coming <br /> in asking about the project. He said that they are looking at close to 99% of households in Orange <br /> County that will be covered, and the project will be completed in 2025. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked if it was December 2024 or 2025. <br /> Travis Myren said December 2024. <br /> Jim Northrup said it was December 2024. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said there is a drop-dead date for the use of the funds and those funds <br /> have to be spent.. <br /> Jim Northrup said it is not just Lumos that is laying fiber in Orange County now and that <br /> Spectrum and Brightspeed are improving their networks. He said they are not going to address <br /> rural residents, so the investment from the county is important. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is what they hoped would happen. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if there is hope for the 1% of households not covered. <br /> Travis Myren said the county will work with Lumos to see if those can be covered in the <br /> existing project. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said they have projected more coverage than what the contract calls <br /> for. <br /> Jim Northrup said they are also going to be overlying on areas that already have <br /> broadband and will be direct competitors to Spectrum and Brightspeed. He said as they are <br />