Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> Commissioner Richards said it looks like the biggest increases will be outside of Carrboro <br /> and Chapel Hill. <br /> Travis Myren said that Chapel Hill is still 25% off of the market. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if in addition to sending people out, how this will be <br /> communicated. <br /> Nancy Freeman said they are already doing more community outreach now to let the <br /> public know what is coming. She said they are doing workshops and they are having appeals <br /> workshops in the community. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if the assessment would happen in 2025 and when it would <br /> be due. <br /> Nancy Freeman said it would be effective January 1, 2025. She said the bills that are due <br /> in 2025 would reflect any changes. <br /> Commissioner Richards said someone came up to her this week and asked how the tax <br /> increase will impact revaluations. <br /> Travis Myren said that value will not change the revaluations and that the tax rate will <br /> apply only to that value. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if that will also be communicated when the budget comes <br /> out. <br /> Travis Myren said it is communicated by the budget, and they have not been shy about <br /> telling people there is a tax increase in the budget. He said other than that, he does not know they <br /> have done anything further. <br /> Commissioner Richards said it was a longtime homeowner that said they already have <br /> trouble making the payment. <br /> Nancy Freeman said once the budget is established, she can make that part of the <br /> information they share. She said that people can make monthly payments on taxes. She said <br /> while they cannot make that amount lower, there are ways to help people and not be a burden. <br /> She said that once the budget is established, there are ways to spread the payments out a little. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked what trigger percentage is for assessment ratio. <br /> Nancy Freeman said she believes if it is 85% or lower or 110% or higher. She said they <br /> are on a four-year schedule, so they do not have to move the revaluation up. <br /> Chair Bedford said to remember that they reset the tax rate to be revenue neutral and that <br /> outliers are likely going to see a proportional increase. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said it is tax neutral to the county and not the individual. <br /> Travis Myren said they are required to publish a revenue neutral rate and given new <br /> assessed value; what tax rate is required to generate same amount of revenue. <br /> Chair Bedford said that looking at the distribution across the county will help them see <br /> where the most change will occur. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if there have been discussions with Chapel Hill about tax <br /> relief for the town. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the town could contract with the county and supply the funds if <br /> they wanted to. She said she is not sure if they are interested. <br />