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18 <br /> Chair Bedford asked what the percentage was calculated from. <br /> Travis Myren said general fund expenditures. <br /> Chair Bedford asked if what they have been doing is waiting to get the audit back and then <br /> they see the actuals to budget, if the county gives 47% to the school and then they get to decide <br /> what to do with the rest. <br /> Travis Myren said when there is a surplus that goes to fund balance. He said they have <br /> been taking any fund balance above 16% and then deciding how to allocate that. He said that the <br /> proposal is now that they allow up to 20% but no less than 16%to be allocated to the fund balance. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they have always had over 16%. <br /> Chair Bedford asked if that means we need to be doing better budgeting, or the other side <br /> is to save it for a rainy day. She said she has no problem with the range but asked what the bond <br /> agencies want. <br /> Travis Myren said 15% would be the lowest actual and that Mecklenburg has an 8% goal <br /> but ended the year with 22%. <br /> Chair Bedford asked if the goal was to have a couple of month's operating expenses. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they aim for two months of operating expenses, but the measure <br /> is management of finances. She said that in her nine years they have never ended with a deficit <br /> in her tenure. She said they have always had a surplus and always come forward with an abstract <br /> with a recommendation for use. She said this would mean that if it is between 16% and 20%, it <br /> stays in the unassigned fund balance. She said that the state requires 8%. She said for a AAA <br /> Bond rating, there are many elements that are reviewed and evaluated. She said they look at <br /> strong financial management of the county. She said they are projecting a 4% increase in sales <br /> tax, but that is a volatile revenue. She said that the rating agency would see counting on that as <br /> not fiscally strong. She said that rather than making a decision every year, it dedicates money to <br /> OPEB when the ceiling of unassigned fund balance is surpassed. She said it is a plan. She said <br /> they never go over the 16% and said that it is a written policy rather than a practice. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said there have been attempts to reduce the fund balance requirement <br /> below 16% before and they were unsuccessful. <br /> Chair Bedford said OPEB has gone down over the past couple of years and that when <br /> interest rates go up,their obligation to OPEB goes down. She said that she likes the idea of having <br /> a plan but maybe it should be that they were going to put$100,000 every year regardless of where <br /> they are on fund balance. She said that for the first year, she would still like it to come to the Board <br /> to see how much they are over and how it is used. She said she is fine with providing flexibility <br /> with the range. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said one benefit of keeping a range is serving the need for OPEB, <br /> but it provides flexibility for other things as well. <br /> Chair Bedford asked what 16% is of the current budget. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said $46 million. She said this is in the recommended budget, so it <br /> would need to be an amendment to change it. She said that a decision is not required this evening <br /> but without an amendment, the way it is recommended will become policy. <br /> Commissioner Richards said there is so much need, so she would rather keep it at 16%, <br /> with a plan for any excess amount for the OPEB obligation but she is concerned to up the amount <br /> when there is so much need. She said the OPEB liability is disturbing. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said it has been high for so long it has fallen into the background. <br /> Chair Bedford said they allocated $500,000 this year for that. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said if there were a policy change, she would like to see the <br /> document as written and to take time to go over OPEB and then talk about different ways to <br /> address it. She said that with policy change she wants to see the whole policy. <br /> Kirk Vaughn said the current policy is written out on page 299 of the recommended budget. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked when they will discuss this. <br />