Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> 1 Slide #24 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Peter Sandbeck said that NCDOT will be replacing this bridge and because it will be a <br /> 4 landmark, DOT will have to come to the Historic Preservation Committee for approval. <br /> 5 Commissioner Hamilton asked for clarification if the tax benefits could last forever. <br /> 6 Peter Sandbeck said yes, in theory, as long as the landmark was maintained. He said <br /> 7 that the tax deferral is 50%. He said that investment in historic properties can actually increase <br /> 8 the value, offsetting the tax deferral. He said the net cost to the county is about $20,000- <br /> 9 $30,000 per year. <br /> 10 Commissioner Greene thanked Peter Sandbeck for the presentation. She asked if he <br /> 11 was aware of a paper written by Mark Chilton, the Register of Deeds, about Herman Husband <br /> 12 and how he was disowned. She asked if he would consider adding his paper to the resources <br /> 13 list. <br /> 14 Peter Sandbeck said he was aware and had been provided with the paper by Mark <br /> 15 Chilton. He said it was a complicated thing being a Quaker in society. He said that Mark Chilton <br /> 16 endorses this project. <br /> 17 Commissioner Greene said she learned a new word "apotropaic" when reading the <br /> 18 history and that it is something that wards off bad spirits. <br /> 19 Peter Sandbeck said that it is almost a hex sign and other signs used to ward bad spirits. <br /> 20 He said this was very common over doors of old buildings as well. <br /> 21 Vice-Chair McKee said he was familiar with the type of stone used at older cemeteries. <br /> 22 He said he is the cemetery committee chairman at Little River Presbyterian and has been for 50 <br /> 23 plus years. He said that Little River Presbyterian was built two years after the Quaker church. <br /> 24 He said they do not know how many stones may be there but there is about a 2-acre section <br /> 25 that is full of graves with no stones. He said that years ago he was told by older members that <br /> 26 the process of keeping up a graveyard was a twice per year "scraping" of the graveyard. He <br /> 27 said this would be people that had family buried and those that were caretakers of the space <br /> 28 would take their hoes and tools to clean it off completely. He said that Thomas Miller told him <br /> 29 that as a youth he remembered finding broken stones, stones that had fallen down, and that <br /> 30 were moved out of the way because there were no markers on them. He said if you go into the <br /> 31 east parking lot at the church you will still see blank stones sitting in rows. He said there are <br /> 32 probably 1000 grave sites there. He said that when the Hillsborough church was going to <br />