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13 <br /> 1 high costs to maintain, paint and repair their historic buildings, usually by employing local <br /> 2 tradespeople. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 The historic landmark designation process involves several steps culminating with the adoption <br /> 5 of an ordinance by the BOCC for each individual landmark. The HPC adopted a motion at its <br /> 6 November 2, 2022 meeting stating that the three proposed properties possess special historical <br /> 7 and/or architectural significance and are worthy of landmark designation. The November 2, <br /> 8 2022 HPC meeting minutes are provided at Attachment 4. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The application materials for each eligible property (Attachments 1-3) were then submitted to <br /> 11 the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for review and comment as required by state law. <br /> 12 The SHPO provided positive reviews (Attachment 5). The next step is for the HPC to hold a <br /> 13 joint public hearing with the BOCC, as required by the County's Historic Preservation <br /> 14 Ordinance. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 (It should be noted that a fourth property, the Davis Cotton Gin and Barn, also received HPC <br /> 17 approval at the HPC's November 2, 2023 meeting and was forwarded to the State Historic <br /> 18 Preservation Office. However, the SHPO is still reviewing that property, so it is not eligible for <br /> 19 further consideration at the County level at this time.) <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Following this joint public hearing, the BOCC and the HPC will take into consideration public <br /> 22 comments, if any. It is projected that the HPC will then present final draft landmark ordinances <br /> 23 to the Board of Commissioners for consideration and adoption, likely at the June 6, 2023 <br /> 24 Business meeting. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Peter Sandbeck, Cultural Resources Coordinator, introduced members of the Historic <br /> 27 Preservation Commission (HPC). In attendance from the HPC were Art Menius (Chair) and <br /> 28 Steve Peck, and Todd Dickinson and Anne Whisnant, who contributed to the research efforts. <br /> 29 Peter Sandbeck gave the background of the landmark designation process. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Peter Sandbeck made the following presentation: <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Slide #1 <br /> N AS'E75 CHAP€L. <br /> AVE <br /> PASTDR <br /> 'a <br /> 34 �- <br />