Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 Slide #18 <br /> UPROOR <br /> Festival of Public Art <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Chair Bedford said she'd already signed up to be a volunteer. <br /> 4 Commissioner Greene thanked Katie Murray for her hard work and was happy to see <br /> 5 the idea coming to fruition after several years of planning. <br /> 6 Vice-Chair McKee thanked everyone who worked together to make the festival happen. <br /> 7 Commissioner Richards noted that having support from the National Endowment for the <br /> 8 Arts is significant. She said awards from the National Endowment for the Arts are highly <br /> 9 competitive and showed how much work Katie Murray put into the application. <br /> 10 Commissioner Hamilton thanked Katie Murray for the great presentation. She said that <br /> 11 getting an award from the National Endowment for the Arts indicates that Katie Murray paid <br /> 12 attention to the details and conveyed them effectively. She said she looks forward to hearing <br /> 13 about how everything went after the festival. <br /> 14 Commissioner Portie-Ascott thanked Katie Murray for her presentation. She said she is <br /> 15 looking forward to the event. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 5. Public Hearings <br /> 18 <br /> 19 a. Joint Public Hearinq with the Historic Preservation Commission Regarding the <br /> 20 Proposed Designation of Three Properties as Orange County Local Landmarks <br /> 21 The Board conducted a joint public hearing with the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to <br /> 22 receive public comment on the applications to designate the Harvey's Chapel AME Church, Eno <br /> 23 Quaker Burying Ground, and David Faucette House as Orange County Local Landmarks. This <br /> 24 is a routine joint public hearing required by state enabling legislation and the County's Historic <br /> 25 Preservation Ordinance. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 BACKGROUND: In 1991, the BOCC adopted the "Ordinance Creating the Historic Preservation <br /> 28 Commission (HPC) of Orange County," also referred to as the "Historic Preservation <br /> 29 Ordinance." In 1997, the BOCC adopted the Local Landmark Program, a voluntary program <br /> 30 allowing the HPC to designate properties of local historic and/or architectural significance, as <br /> 31 authorized by NC General Statute 160D-9-40 - 160D-9-51. One of the HPC's duties is to <br /> 32 recommend properties to the BOCC for local landmark designation. Properties must meet a <br /> 33 high standard of historic and/or architectural significance to be designated as a landmark. The <br /> 34 higher standard is appropriate since landmark property owners are eligible for a 50 percent <br /> 35 property tax deferral as provided by state law, as long as the property retains its historic <br /> 36 character. The intent of this tax treatment is to provide a modest benefit for owners who face <br />