Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 06/21/23 <br /> Date Revised: 08/17/23 <br /> 6/20/2023 Richards Schedule Board discussion 12/2023 County Bonnie Analysis and <br /> on an analysis of staffing Manager Hammersley information for <br /> and operational needs at discussion to be <br /> the detention center coordinated with <br /> the Sheriff <br /> 6/20/2023 BOCC Follow-up on concerns 9/2023 Housing Corey Root To be followed <br /> raised by resident relative up <br /> to Community Home Trust <br /> and the Landings at <br /> Winmore <br /> 6/20/2023 Portie-Ascott Share information with the 9/2023 Housing Corey Root Breakdown to be <br /> Board on the geographical provided <br /> breakdown of recipients by <br /> race of the 2022 Longtime <br /> Homeowner Assistance <br /> program <br /> 6/20/2023 BOCC Share the Affordable 9/2023 Housing Corey Root RFP to be shared <br /> Housing/Eleven with the Board <br /> Properties/ Funding <br /> Request for Proposals <br /> (RFP) with Board members <br />