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1 <br /> M.A.P. SENIOR HOUSING ASSESSMENT PROJECT <br /> COAL STATEMENT: Complete an assessment ofcurrevlsenlor housing and mrioned needs for olderpersans N Orange Cawty fir tM <br /> 2003-2020 and disseminate findings, <br /> Goal Initiate"roposed By: Most"Aging Plao-adapted March 6,2001,ranked by the Orange County Advisory Board on Aging. <br /> Most Recent Version: <br /> STATUS REPORT <br /> ht die Orange County Master Aging Plm,Coal B-B states"To ensure an adequate supply of affordable,safe,red armablchousing exists for <br /> older resident in Orange Cowry." To accomplish this,Objective I arecommends an assessment ofhousing needs,qumfifies and amenities, <br /> f orolderpetsonstlnoughtheyear2020. As the scrumpopulation in Orange County is erpeRNto double by the yem2020(over 33,000 older <br /> adults 60+),the state of housing for these seniors for the life span m Oreenge County sa currently an wlmowm. Not only is the current amts of <br /> houshg mclmg bulthe tutus is even lees clear. Therame,we we braced to investigate what we have in terms oPoousing and services to <br /> support this population boom and what imova(ionb are needed,especially as more smims move irate Orange Cawmy a addition,as we begin <br /> to plan for than changes,we need to be cognizant of seniors and what they envision for then future. Therefore,the housing assessment <br /> completed will net only survey the number of moral units and pmpmtes available,it will also mmmnate specifically on such areas as the <br /> design of homes and home mofir icafions which enable a sender to"age as place',as well as the building of universal design homes. The <br /> proposed housing assessment will supplement the research completed by the Affordable Housing Board. The final senior bousirrg assessment <br /> report will not only provide insight into the ant trusting issues,but will make Ermad rewmm®damns to governmental bodies,nm-pmfit <br /> housing prrapt developers,architects,rents,anml property owners,and service providers,Or in preparing fir an aging mainly. <br /> FINANCIAL'IMPACTB SOURCE REQHIREMEN1ti <br /> Thedevelopmenlofa wind scrve as; dire terw rthe Vicnatyuire the County Ae iscry Board an A wmmwtty. The Aging <br /> implementation,Director d would serve as fm irecmrwiID the Vico-oft it of the Orange Cowry Advisory Hoard m Aging to oversee the planning, <br /> implemeith inn,andmrnimrwmk rbant stab. the UDeptoflheHunsing mdC moronity Commodity Hpmenr Cooperation ou add the trutty <br /> projectwithadditigl3 ad. sougldbranthehemij Hie Deptould be dg,the Orange Community Housingith a e-iand the County <br /> Affordable Housing Board. The majority ao employjectworme gradate summit existing county aging compile expense of the <br /> for supplies,gswumg,postage,travel and b employ wpm time graduate smdmt inters ul research and compile data,assist a year 2nng the <br /> art and dissemtmetin [heinformadw. The Senior Houain Aaswsmen[Pro eel would cover the period 2003 through @e em 2020. <br /> w <br />