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20 <br /> other County plans. Racial, ethnic, age, and national origin diversity; household profiles including cost- <br /> burdened status, household income by census tract, and poverty levels; and other data will be assessed <br /> and depicted through easy to read charts and infographics.The H+T Index prepared by the Center for <br /> Neighborhood Technology will be leveraged to show the combined effects of housing and transportation <br /> costs on households in Orange County. <br /> A map of"equity opportunity areas" will be identified that depict vulnerable communities that are low- <br /> income, communities of color, are cost-burdened or have other equity challenges.The U.S. Center for <br /> Disease Control's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) can be leveraged to identify equity opportunity areas. <br /> This map can be used in other assessments to identify overlapping conditions where equity plays a role in <br /> determining future policy direction. Issues related to providing services to an aging population driven by <br /> retirees and aging baby boomers will be addressed in this analysis.The Clarion team will prepare <br /> population projections by evaluating multiple projection sources and will coordinate with County Staff to <br /> ensure data used align with statistics provided in other County documents. <br /> Task 3.1.2:Analyze Built Environment Conditions and Trends <br /> Clarion and County Staff will work collaboratively to identify and analyze the critical built environment <br /> conditions and trends.This includes map-based and tabular assessments of existing land use, zoning, and <br /> building permit trends by type of use.This will address joint planning areas where the County shares or <br /> has conveyed development review authority to the municipalities and identify "hot spot"future land use <br /> areas that are receiving growth pressures or are targets for change. <br /> Housing will be evaluated to identify patterns with respect to housing value,type of unit, and housing <br /> asset mapping that shows areas that with and without proximate access to employment, shopping, <br /> healthcare, and transit accessibility. Deed restricted affordable housing units will also be documented, if <br /> data is available. <br /> The analysis will also include future development suitability that identifies places that are not limited by <br /> physical or regulatory constraints to development. An evaluation of buildout capacity under current <br /> zoning regulations will be conducted to identify the County's development potential. Using the annual <br /> development trends, an assessment of supply and demand of land for future types of development will be <br /> assessed.This will serve as the basis for evaluating land use alternatives in Phase 4. <br /> The Clarion team will work with the County's project manager and Director of Economic Development and <br /> others identified by the County to identify employment opportunity sites within suitable areas for <br /> development. If data is available, broadband service areas will be mapped to identify areas that are <br /> underserved and will be considered in relation to equity opportunity areas. <br /> Task 3.1.3 Analyze Natural Environment, Parks and Recreation, and Working Lands Conditions and Issues <br /> Equinox will work to identify current environmental conditions and related issues that could include, but <br /> would not be limited to, energy/sustainability initiatives, water quality, working lands/farmlands, parks <br /> and recreation, and natural lands.An analysis of current policies, programs, plans, and mapping <br /> information will tell the story of what conditions exist in Orange County and how the County is currently <br /> addressing those conditions. An example of this analysis could include a review of the County's current <br /> stormwater and flooding policies and ordinances to recommend improvements to best achieve the <br /> intended results.Another example could be evaluating the County's prime farmlands and high-value <br /> natural resource areas and analyzing the efficacy of the current level of land protection derived through <br /> 8 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />