Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> g) I mermally lighted or unlighted church bulletin boards and identification <br /> signs, not exceeding 1 per arching street and 16 square feet In area. <br /> h) Signs not exceeding 64 square feet in area advertising agricultural <br /> products produced on the premises, if the lot is not part of a bona fide <br /> farm. <br /> i) Unlighted direcrional signs of non-profit organisations not exceeding <br /> square feet in area, that bear no advertising matter or logo, <br /> j) Temporary real estate signs for lots of less than 5 acres, a single sign <br /> on each street frontage maybe erected. It shall not exceed 4 square <br /> feet in area, and may contain the message that the property is for <br /> sale, lease or rent and the name, address and phone number of the <br /> agent. For lots of 5 acres or more in area and having a street <br /> frontage in excess of 400 fast, a second sign not exceeding 32 <br /> square feet in area may be permitted. <br /> k) Temporary construction sign. A single construction site identification <br /> sign shell be permitted. It shall not exceed 32 square feet In area, <br /> and may contain in Its message identification of the project, its owner <br /> and/or developer, arohilect, engineer, land planner, landscape- <br /> architect, conirl and sub-contractors. Such signs shall not be <br /> erected prior to issuance of a building permit. <br /> I) New subdivisions with more than d builder,a single temporary <br /> sil may be erected to advertise a specific builder's model. It <br /> shall not exceed 16 square feat and may contain the builder's <br /> company name Phone number, hours that the model is open <br /> d - 'I address. It shall also have 11 of 12 square <br /> feet of landscaping surrounding it, including bushes or Flowers, <br /> 9] Zoning Compliance Por lFeel <br /> Before any sign, except those specifically exempted from such a <br /> requirement, shall be erected or structurally altered, a Zoning Compliance <br /> Permit must be obtained. <br /> 9.8 RESERVED <br /> 9.9 Determining the Number of Signs <br /> a) For the purpose of determining the number of signs, a sign shall be <br /> considered to be a single display device containing elements <br /> organized, related, and composed to form a unit Where matter is <br /> displayed in a random manner without organised relationship of <br /> elements, each element shall be considered a single sign. <br /> b) Without limiting the generality of subsection (a) above, a muds-sided <br /> sign shall be regarded as 1 sign. Unless specifically permitted <br />