Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> CITIMN PARTICIPATION PLAN <br /> FOR <br /> HOUMG AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS <br /> POgpOSE <br /> The purpose of this Cifizan Pafncipation Plea is m set Forth a process that will give oltlzans an <br /> oppos1wtity to patticipetc in an advisory tole in developing applications In fooling, program <br /> implemevtation, monitunng and evaluation of Orange County housing and co unity <br /> development pmgmrm. This plan is wfinen in mocrdance with NC Cmnmunity Developmmt <br /> Black Omnt Regulations as well as Clmolidmwi Plan regulations found in Y CPR Swim <br /> 91.105. <br /> 'Ihe.Omnge Cotmty Board of Commiseionm adopted the onginal Citizan Participation plan on <br /> Deembef 5, 1988 with msoo nee ham the Remhm Street Project Area Committee prirumily for <br /> we wild the Small Cities Community Development Block C mt Pmgam. In August 1996, the <br /> Plan was m OxW to specifically reference the Consolidated Plan mquiremonz and b bmaden <br /> the applicable programs andlof wtivities beyond the Community Dcvclopmmt Progam. <br />