Orange County NC Website
_ Current County priority as highway project <br /> Attachment 2: Draft Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) MPO Project List New Project <br /> Recommendations <br /> MPO/ AADT 2010 - Crashes 2006- <br /> Map RPO Project Description/Need 2016 2016 2018 Results <br /> Staff OUTBoard <br /> Description: Modernize Old NC-86 (SR-1009)from 1-40 to Eubanks Road (SR-1727)with NCDOT standard street cross- <br /> section 2E (60' row, 11' travel lane, 5' bike lane, c&g, and sidewalk), add turn lanes at Davis Road (SR-1129), and New Hope north 5500 - Total 208 <br /> Church Road (SR-1723) 6300 <br /> 3 fatal New Project <br /> DCHC Old NC-86 (SR- 3 serious injury <br /> Need: This project would provide multimodal and safety improvements along a north-south corridor for commuters travel New County <br /> 12 /TARP 1009)O Improvement** between Hillsborough and Carrboro. This corridor i 15 minor injury N/A s growing more unsafe with increasing accidents, three of them being fatal. 24 possible injury Meets RPO priority <br /> Intersection improvements such as crosswalks and turn lanes will reduce crash frequencies and better manage traffic at key south 4500- 163 property SPOT process <br /> locations along the corridor. Traffic along this corridor will continue increasing making the area more hazardous and will 5000 damage <br /> eventually exceed the capacity of the existing road. <br /> Description: Improve current Dimmocks Mill Rd (#735154S) grade separation and close Bellvue St(#735152D) rail crossing County Priority <br /> Dimmocks Mill Need: The NCRR trestle on Dimmock's Mill currently does not allow trucks or pedestrians to safely cross underneath the Remain County <br /> 13 DCHC Trestle .N/A 5284 Statewide County priority <br /> railroad. By restructuring this trestle and reconfiguring the intersection, this area will provide a safe crossing between priority <br /> Improvements Hillsborough and destinations south for all users. Additionally, improving this trestle will allow large trucks to avoid using 33.08 Regional <br /> Churton Street and will help create a back entrance to West Hillsborough. 22.86 Division <br /> Description: Improve the current trestle at Exchange Park Lane to accommodate Pedestrian traffic to support a pedestrian <br /> link from the proposed train station to downtown Hillsborough. County Priority <br /> Exchange Park Need: Currently, the NCRR trestle on Exchange Park Lane only accommodates one vehicle at a time and provides no safe Remain County <br /> DCHC Lane Rail Trestle accommodations for pedestrians. Once the Hillsborough Train Station is constructed, Exchange Park Lane will be the only N/A 23.47 Statewide County priority priority <br /> Improvements safe pedestrian route from the Train Station to Downtown Hillsborough. With substantial pedestrian demand forecast between 16.56 Regional <br /> the Train Station and Downtown Hillsborough, creating a safe pedestrian environment is a crucial need in this area. 12.46 Division <br /> Description: Construct one additional lane between Patriot's Pointe Drive and New Grady Brown School Road (SR 1221)to <br /> include both pedestrian and bicycle improvements along the roadway. The 1-40 bridge would be widened to accommodate Total 43 Not submit to <br /> Orange Grove Rd. County priority <br /> Widening with both pedestrian and bicycle amenities and one additional travel lane. 1 serious injury NCDOT for P5.0 redefined as County priority <br /> 15 DCHC Bicycle and 4700-4600 5 minor injury o highway as highway <br /> Pedestrian Need: There are significant safety issues along this stretch of roadway for motorists, but also for pedestrians and bicyclists. 6 possible injury No 20/o local project project <br /> Improvements` Increased traffic along Orange Grove Road has led to a significant safety risks for all users of the roadway. 31 property match or local <br /> damage administration <br /> Description: Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Old NC 86, Dairyland Road (SR 1004/1113/1177), and Homestead 19.99 Division County Priority Remain County <br /> Road (SR 1777) in Calvander outside of Carrboro. Part of Old NC- priority <br /> DCHC Calvander N/A 86 modernization Coordinating <br /> Roundabout Need: Included at the request of the Orange Unified Transportation Board, this project would enhance safety at this Coordinating <br /> (SPOT ID with <br /> intersection and improve traffic flow, while also facilitating a safe left turns for bicyclists. (SPOT municipality with <br /> municipality <br /> Description: Provide one (1) bus to serve a new route for Orange Public Transportation providing service to major trip <br /> Orange County generators in Hillsborough <br /> Public Need: This project would provide a fixed route for underserved areas of Orange County (not being covered by the Removed from <br /> 17 DCHC Transportation Hillsborough Circulator)to major points of interest such as medical, employment, retail, municipal and social services. The N/A SPOT in favor of OCPT OCPT <br /> Circulator 11 project is currently in the unfunded category of the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment plan, yet remains a priority for our DO LRT <br /> Vehicles County Board of commissioners. It is only eligible for funding at the Division Needs tier. <br /> Description: Construct bicycle facilities on Old NC 86 from Farm House Road in Carrboro to Homestead Road (SR 1777). Not submit to County priority Remain County <br /> NCDOT for P5.0 priority <br /> DCHC Old NC 86 Bike Need: Cyclists routinely use Old NC 86 as a key conduit for major rides in rural Orange County. Recent bicycle counts N/A Coordinating <br /> Lanes conducted by NCDOT and NC State's ITRE indicate that 160 cyclists use the stretch of Old NC 86 between Hillsborough No 20% local with Coordinating <br /> Road (SR 1009) and Homestead Road (SR 1777)each day with more on the weekends. This section is also particularly match or local municipality with <br /> narrow and includes a narrow gravel shoulder, which can present a hazard for cyclists. Widening this section to include administration municipality <br /> bicycle lanes will provide a safe space for bicyclists in this heavily trafficked bicycle corridor. <br />