Orange County NC Website
= Current County priority as highway project <br /> Attachment 2: Draft Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) MPO Project List New Project <br /> Recommendations <br /> MPO/ AADT 2010 - Crashes 2006- <br /> Map RPO Project Description/Need 2016 2016 2018 Results <br /> Staff OUTBoard <br /> Description: Modernize Dairyland Road (SR-1177)from Orange Grove Road (SR-1006)to Old NC-86 (SR-1009)with <br /> NCDOT standard street cross-section section 2B (60' row, 11'travel lanes, with 5' paved shoulder), add turn lanes and safety Total 121 County Priority <br /> improvements at Orange Grove Road (SR-1006), Dodson Crossroads (SR-1102), Rocky Ridge Road (SR-1113), Bethel west 940 - 970 2 fatal <br /> DCHC Dairyland Road Hickory Grove Church Road (SR-1104)and convert intersection at Old NC-86 (SR-1009)to Roundabout. 2 serious injury Not submit to County priority County priority <br /> 0 redefined as <br /> /TARP (SR-1177) 15 minor injury NCDOT for P5. as highway <br /> O Improvement" Need: This project would provide one segment of a bikeway connection through western Orange County from Carrboro to the 16 possible injury ° highway project <br /> Buckhorn Road and Mebane area and improve the safety of the subject thoroughfare for both bicyclists and motorized No 20/° local project <br /> vehicular travel. The project is not likely to score very high using the State's bike/pedestrian scoring factors because of its south 2400- 86 property match or local <br /> rural context and is only eligible for funding in the division tier. 3100 damage administration <br /> Description: Modernize Dodson Crossroad (SR-1102)from Orange Grove Road (SR-1006)to NC-54 with NCDOT standard County Priority <br /> street cross-section section 2B (60' row, 11'travel lanes, with 5' paved shoulder), add turn lanes and safety improvements at north 830 - 1000 Total 62 <br /> Orange Grove Road (SR-1106), Borland Road (SR-1126), Arthur Minnis Road (SR-1115), and Dairyland Road (SR-1177) 2 serious injury Not submit to County priority <br /> DCHC Dodson Crossroad County priority <br /> /TARP (SR-1102) Need: This project would provide bicycle facilities to the Grady Brown Elementary School and Cedar Ridge High School from 8 minor injury NCDOT for P5.0 redefined as as highway <br /> O Improvement the area south of the schools and connect to a proposed bikeway facility on Orange Grove Road northward into Hillsborough. 00- 42 property No 20% local project 10 possible injury highway pro�ect <br /> south 18 <br /> The project would also improve safety for motorized vehicular travel on this segment of Orange Grove Road. The project is 1818 damage match or local <br /> not likely to score very high using the State's bike/pedestrian scoring factors because of its rural context and is only eligible administration <br /> for funding in the division tier. <br /> Description: Modernize Orange Grove Road (SR-1106)from 1-85 to Dodson Crossroad (SR-1007)with NCDOT standard <br /> street cross-section section 2B (60' row, 11'travel lanes, with 5' paved shoulder), add turn lanes and safety improvements at north 4700 - Total 102 County Priority <br /> Ode Turner Road (SR-1130), Dimmocks Mill Road (SR-1134), Crossroad Church Cemetery Road (SR-1131), Davis Drive <br /> 1 fatal <br /> DCHC Orange Grove (SR-1129), Kimbro Road (SR-1128) and Dodson Crossroads (SR-1102) 4600 1 serious injury Not submit to County priority County priority <br /> 0 redefined as <br /> /TARP Road (SR-1006) 7 minor injury NCDOT for P5. as highway <br /> O Improvement" Need: This project would provide one segment of a bikeway connection through western Orange County from Carrboro to the 13 possible injury ° highway project <br /> Buckhorn Road and Mebane area and improve the safety of the subject thoroughfare for both bicyclists and motorized No 20/° local project <br /> vehicular travel. The project is not likely to score very high using the State's bike/pedestrian scoring factors because of its south 2400- 80 property match or local <br /> rural context and is only eligible for funding in the division tier. 3100 damage administration <br /> Description: Widen NC-54 from Orange Grove Rd (SR 1006)to Butler Rd (SR 1951)/ Dodsons Cross Rd (SR 1102)and from East 12000 - <br /> Butler Rd (SR 1951)/ Dodsons Cross Rd (SR 1102)to Old Fayetteville Road (SR-1107)/ Inside DCHC with additional lanes 15000 <br /> and multimodal facilities along the corridor and safety improvements at each intersection. New Project Table <br /> Need: NCDOT projections reveal that traffic on NC 54 from Orange Grove Road to Old Fayetteville Road will substantially Total 3403 fatal Meets RPO Await DCHC <br /> exceed the existing roadway capacity by 2035, warranting an increase in capacity through widening. NCDOT traffic figures <br /> DCHC 8 serious injury 61.80 Region SPOT process MPO action on <br /> NC-54 already indicate that traffic along the segment of NC 54 from Butler Road/Dodsons Cross Road to Neville Road is at capacity <br /> /TARP 35 minor injury Corridor Study <br /> O Improvement"" and will only continue to substantially exceed capacity in future years. It is likely that traffic along the segment of NC 54 from 61 possible injury 26.58 Division Fundable and <br /> Neville Road to Old Fayetteville Road is also at or over capacity. Specific user input on the subject corridor reveals the lack of West 9300 - 233 property through subsequent <br /> usable gaps in traffic streams at intersecting streets during peak periods that otherwise might be created by signalization. 10000 damage Regional CTP and MTP <br /> User input also reveals the presence of extensive travel lane delay on the NC 54 facility as a result of the lack of adequate Impact update <br /> storage for left and right turns at some intersecting streets and entrances to businesses along the corridor. <br /> Description: Intersection and safety improvements along Lebanon Road (SR-1306)from Mill Creek Road (SR-1345)to Total 100 <br /> Efland-Cedar Grove Road (SR-1004) East 2600—3000 2 serious injury <br /> DCHC Lebanon Road 12 minor injury N/A New Project New County <br /> /BG 11 possible injury priority <br /> Need: Road continues experiencing increasing traffic and crashes, intersection and safety improvements along the corridor 75 property <br /> will help provide safe travel for all users. West 2100-2300 damage <br />