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services. The agency will provide or ensure training is provided for bilingual staff and interpreters employed or <br /> utilized by the agency. This includes the ethics of interpreting, including confidentiality; methods of <br /> interpreting; orientation to the organization; specialized terminology used by the agency; and cultural <br /> competency. <br /> The agency will ensure that applicable grantees, contractors, cooperative agreement recipients and other <br /> entities receiving state or federal dollars are trained in the requirements of this policy. Describe how this <br /> provision will be met: Orange County Transportation Service will utilize paid interpreters, qualified bilingual <br /> employees, qualified employees of other agencies <br /> The agency will collect and maintain the following information about training provided to staff: the date(s) of <br /> such training, the content of such training, the number and types of credit hours awarded; and the names and <br /> identifying information of each attendee at the training. The agency will ensure that grantees, contractors, <br /> cooperative agreement recipients and other applicable funded entities collect and maintain such information <br /> as well. <br /> Compliance Procedures, Reporting and Monitoring <br /> Reporting <br /> The agency will complete an annual compliance report and send this report to the appropriate agency within <br /> the Department. (Format will be supplied by DHHS) <br /> Monitoring <br /> The agency will complete a self-monitoring report on a quarterly basis, using a standardized reporting system <br /> providing by the Department. These reports will be maintained and stored by the Title VI compliance officer <br /> and will be provided to the Department upon request. The agency will cooperate, when requested, with <br /> special review by the Department. Applicant/Recipient Complaints of Discriminatory Treatment <br /> Complaints <br /> The agency will provide assistance to LEP individuals who do not speak or write in English if they indicate that <br /> they would like to file a complaint. A complaint will be filed in writing, contain the name and address of the <br /> person filing it or his/her designee and briefly describe the alleged violation of this policy. The agency will <br /> maintain records of any complaints filed, the date of filing, actions taken and resolution. The agency will notify <br /> the appropriate agency or Division within DHHS of complaints filed the date of filing, actions taken and <br /> resolution. This information will be provided within 30 days of resolution. <br /> Investigation <br /> The Title VI compliance officer will conduct an investigation of the allegations of the complaint. The <br /> investigation will afford all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit <br /> evidence relevant to the complaint. The investigation will not exceed 30 days, absent a 15-day extension for <br /> extenuating circumstances. <br /> Resolution of Matters <br /> If the investigation indicates a failure to comply with the Act, the agency Director or his/her designee will so <br /> inform the recipient and the matter will be resolved by informal means whenever possible within 60 days. If <br /> the matter cannot be resolved by informal means, then the individual will be informed of his or her right to <br /> appeal further to the Office of General Counsel within DHHS. This notice will be provided in the primary <br />