Orange County NC Website
The agency must provide written materials in languages other than English where a substantial number or <br /> percentage of the population eligible to be served or likely to be directly affected by the program needs <br /> services or information in a language otherthan English to communicate effectively. <br /> Translation of Vital Documents <br /> The agency will ensure that vital documents for locally designed programs are translated into Spanish. When <br /> state DHHS forms and other written material contain spaces in which the local entity is to insert information, <br /> this inserted information will also be in the individual's primary language. When such forms are completed by <br /> applicants/recipients in their primary language, the information must be accepted. <br /> If, as a result of the local language assessment, it appears there are a substantial number of potential <br /> applicants or recipients of the agency (defined as 5% or 1,000 people whichever is less) who are LEP and speak <br /> a language other than Spanish, the agency will translate and provide vital documents in the appropriate <br /> language. (We prefer counties do not translate DHHS forms. Please notify DHHS and DHHS will translate or <br /> verify county translation) <br /> The agency will keep a record of all vital documents translated and will submit this information to DHHS at <br /> their request. If the primary language of an LEP applicant or recipient is a language other than Spanish AND <br /> the language does not meet the threshold for translation as defined in the preceding paragraph, the LEP <br /> individual will be informed in their own language of the right to oral translation of written notices. The <br /> notification will include, in the primary language of the applicant/recipient, the following language: <br /> IMPORTANT: IF YOU NEED HELP IN READING THIS, ASK THE AGENCY FOR AN INTERPRETER TO HELP. AN <br /> INTERPRETER IS AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE. <br /> Documentation of Applicant/Recipient Case Records <br /> The agency will maintain case record documentation in sufficient detail to permit a reviewer to determine the <br /> agency's compliance with this policy. The agency will ensure that case record documentation, including <br /> computerized records if appropriate, identifies the applicant's/recipient's ethnic origin and primary language. <br /> In those cases where the applicant/recipient is non-English speaking, the agency will: <br /> Document the individual's acceptance or refusal of forms or other written materials offered in the individual's <br /> primary language. Document the method used to provide bilingual services, e.g., assigned worker is bilingual, <br /> other bilingual employee acted as interpreter, volunteer interpreter was used, or client provided interpreter. <br /> When a minor is used as interpreter, the agency will document the circumstances requiring temporary use of <br /> a minor and will provide this information to NC DHHS upon request. <br /> Consent for the release of information will be obtained from applicants/recipients when individuals other than <br /> agency employees are used as interpreters and the case record will be so documented. <br /> Staff Development and Training <br /> The agency will provide staff training at new employee orientation and continuing training programs. The <br /> training will include, but not be limited to Language assistance policies and procedures, resources available to <br /> support such procedures, methods of effective use of interpreters, and familiarization with the discrimination <br /> complaint process. <br /> Cultural awareness information, including specific cultural characteristics of the groups served by the agency <br /> to provide a better understanding of, and sensitivity to, the various cultural groups to ensure equal delivery of <br />