Orange County NC Website
This Title VI update requires that Orange County Transportation Service recognize the sub-populations of <br /> languages that have either more than 5 % or 1,000 people that speak English less than "very well" including <br /> numbers in the Margin of Error. In the Orange County Transportation Service service area, the largest <br /> language subpopulation within the LEP population was that of Spanish speakers who speak English less than <br /> "very well." Referencing estimates from the 2015 5-year American Community Survey (ACS), our area has a <br /> total of 129,155 people. There are 9,932 Spanish speakers, of whom 4,788 speak English less than "very well", <br /> or just over 3% of the total population. <br /> Factor#2: The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program. <br /> Orange County Transportation Service assesses the frequency at which staff has or could possibly have contact <br /> with LEP persons. This includes documenting phone inquiries and surveying public meeting attendees. No <br /> previous LEP requests have been received thus far. Documentation of LEP requests will be done annually upon <br /> implementation of the LEP plan. Orange County Transportation Service transit operators also provide outreach <br /> to the Spanish population. Orange County Transportation Service provides Spanish translation for public <br /> meetings and outreach materials. Arrangements are made to provide translation when requested. <br /> Factor #3: The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the recipient to <br /> people's lives. <br /> Orange County is a growing region within the Triangle. OCPT recognizes that public outreach to all groups <br /> within the community is important and will continue to reach out to persons with limited English proficiencies. <br /> OCPT critical service to LEP is scheduling transit services from the general public and the agency contracts <br /> through Department of Social Services and other human service agencies within Orange County. <br /> Mobility for all Orange County residents is the driving force behind OCPT. This mobility allows access to <br /> medical services, employment, education, human service agencies, recreational activities, etc. thereby <br /> improving the quality of life for Orange County residents. <br /> Other forms of transportation are available in Orange County. Taxi services local to the area are available but <br /> and do not have ADA accessible vehicles. Most often these services are also cost prohibitive to those seeking <br /> affordable transportation. Chapel Hill Transit provides a fixed route service in the City limits of Chapel Hill but <br /> that service is only available to those who live in that specific service area. <br /> Factor#4:The resources available to the recipient and costs. <br /> Orange County Transportation Service (OCPT) will provide translation of materials for all information regarding <br /> our services through third party translators at a cost of $12 center per word or $40.00 an hour for in-person <br /> translation. OCPT will also work with community based organization such as the Family Success Alliance that <br /> helps at risk families and families that speak limited English. Additionally, we will work with Orange County's <br /> Human Rights and Relations department to decimate information to the limited English speaking populations <br /> within Orange County <br /> 29 <br />