Orange County NC Website
Population Location <br /> Federal-aid recipients are required to identify the characteristics and locations of populations they serve, <br /> particularly by race/ethnicity, poverty and limited English proficiency. We will document this narratively or <br /> through maps that overlay boundaries and demographic features on specific communities, and provide this <br /> information to NCDOT, upon request. <br /> IX. TITLE VI EQUITY ANALYSES (AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ASSESSMENTS) <br /> A. Title VI Equity Analyses. <br /> In accordance with FTA Circular 4702.113, a Title VI equity analysis will be conducted whenever we construct a <br /> facility, such as a vehicle storage facility, maintenance facility, or operation center. The equity analysis will be <br /> conducted during the planning stage, with regard to the location of the facility, to determine if the project <br /> could result in a disparate impact to minority communities based on race, color or national origin. Accordingly, <br /> we will look at various alternatives before selecting a site for the facility. Project-specific demographic data on <br /> potentially affected communities and their involvement in decision-making activities will be documented. Title <br /> VI Equity Analyses will remain on file indefinitely, and copies will be provided to NCDOT, upon request, during <br /> compliance reviews or complaint investigations. <br /> B. Environmental Justice Analyses. <br /> As required by FTA C 4703.1, environmental justice (EJ) analyses will be conducted to determine if our <br /> programs, policies, or activities will result in disproportionately high and adverse human health and <br /> environmental effects on minority populations and low-income populations. EJ applies to our projects, such as <br /> when we construct or modify a facility, and our policies, such as when there will be a change in service, <br /> amenities or fares. Thus, we will look at various alternatives and seek input from potentially affected <br /> communities before making a final decision. Demographic data will be collected to document their <br /> involvement in the decision-making process. EJ analyses will remain on file indefinitely, and copies will be <br /> provided to NCDOT, upon request, during compliance reviews or complaint investigations. <br /> [EJ ANALYSIS] <br /> 25 <br />