Orange County NC Website
FEMA FORM 086-0-35A (10/23)Page 4 of 11 <br />Community State CID <br />(6-digit NFIP Community Identification Number) <br />Instructions <br /> <br />At the first verification visit after the effective date of the 2013 CRS Coordinator's Manual, ONLY LINES 6 AND 13 NEED TO BE <br />COMPLETED. These lines form the baseline data about the number of buildings and area of the SFHA for when the table is completed as <br />part of the next annual recertification. The "period covered" entered in line 16 is the date that lines 6 and 13 are first completed. <br />At all subsequent annual recertifications and cycle verification visits, the entire table is completed. The information in lines 6 and 13 from the <br />last report is transferred to lines 1 and 10 in the next report. <br /> <br />Instructions for the Columns <br /> <br />Column A numbers are for the SFHA (the A and V Zones shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map) (FIRM)). Use the FIRM currently in effect, <br />not a draft or pending revision. <br />Column B is completed only if the community receives CRS credit for regulating floodplain development outside the SFHA under Activity 410 <br />(Floodplain Mapping) or Activity 430 (Higher Regulatory Standards). <br />Column C numbers help relate what happens in the floodplain to what is happening in the rest of the community. <br />Enter "0" if there are no numbers to report for this period. Do not leave a cell blank. Do not fill in the shaded boxes. <br /> <br />Instructions for the Lines <br /> <br />Lines 1-7 deal with buildings. <br />o Section 301.a of the CRS Coordinator's Manual defines what constitutes a "building" and lists examples of structures that are not <br />counted as "buildings" by the CRS. <br />o Section 302.a of the CRS Coordinator's Manual describes how the CRS counts buildings. For example, accessory structures are not <br />counted. <br />o As noted in Section 302.a, to determine building counts, communities may use any method that yields reasonably good estimates of <br />the number of buildings. Examples of acceptable methods are listed in Section 302.a. Precision is less important for large numbers. For <br />example, the impact of the numbers will not change much if there are 10,000 buildings or 10,100 buildings. <br />o If a building is out of the SFHA, but in a parcel that is partly in the SFHA, it is not counted in column A --In the SFHA. <br />o In line 14, note how the building counts were obtained or estimated. Use the comments area, if needed. <br /> <br />Line 4 refers to map revisions. These include physical map revisions, Letters of Map Revision (LOMR), and Letters of Map Amendment <br />(LOMA). If a building is removed from the SFHA by FEMA through a LOMA, but the community still administers its floodplain management <br />regulations on the property, the building should not be included in the line 4 count in column A --In the SFHA. However, communities that still <br />regulate areas removed by LOMAs can receive credit under Activities 410 or 430. If the community is receiving such credit, the building <br />should be counted under column B --In a regulated floodplain outside the SFHA. <br /> <br />Line 7 is for the total number of buildings that were substantially improved plus the number of buildings that were substantially damaged <br />during the period covered. <br /> <br />Lines 10 -13 deal with areas. <br />o These areas are based on the areas shown on the community's FIRM including LOMRs or LOMAs. Section 403.b discusses those <br />portions of the SFHA that are subtracted from the area of the SFHA to calculate the community's aSFHA used in credit calculations. <br />o Section 403.e of the CRS Coordinator's Manual discusses calculating areas for CRS purposes. <br />o Section 403.e notes that communities “should not spend an inordinate amount of time measuring areas.” As with buildings, <br />communities may use any method that yields reasonably good estimates. Examples of acceptable approaches are listed in Section 403.e. <br />o Line 13 asks for the current acreage of the SFHA. The best source for this number is a GIS layer that shows the SFHA. If the <br />community does not have GIS, the county, regional agency, or state NFIP mapping office may have SFHA layers and may be able to <br />provide the data. If the community has a relatively recent FIRM, the study contractor or consulting engineer may have the data. <br />o In line 15, note how the area calculations were obtained or estimated. Use the comments area, if needed. <br /> <br />Lines 17 -19 are voluntary, if the numbers are readily available. <br />o Line 17 includes replacing an existing manufactured home with a new one. The newly placed manufactured home is counted as a new, <br />post-FIRM, building. <br />o The total of lines 17 -19 should equal the value entered in line 2. <br />CC-213-3 <br />Orange County NC 370342 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EF0AC45F-DB3C-4655-87F2-206B2F4E6301