Orange County NC Website
Tennis Day- 3 x/year—Wilson Park; <br /> Advertise Carrboro and Chapel Hill Parks & Rec Outdoor Adventures in EP. <br /> A different Park is highlighted quarterly in Endless Possibilities, Qtr. 3 was Henry Anderson <br /> Park, Carrboro, NC. <br /> Strategy 1.2.2: Increase the availability of small-scale outdoor areas that promote wellness <br /> and community engagement with an emphasis on racially diverse communities and <br /> gathering spaces at the OC Senior Centers. <br /> Indicator 1.2.2a: Outdoor areas (e.g., activity stations, stationary games and/or adult <br /> playgrounds) are added to the Senior Centers. <br /> Indicator 1.2.2b: Outdoor areas at the Senior Centers are made more comfortable in <br /> different seasons (e.g., add outdoor heaters, shaded spaces, fans, misting fans) <br /> Indicator 1.2.2c: At least one bus stop in each town is converted into a wellness stop. <br /> Indicator 1.2.2d: Volunteer opportunities are inclusive and inviting to all adults age 55+who <br /> enjoy working in community gardens (e.g., vegetable gardens, flower gardens, pollinator <br /> gardens) <br /> Indicator 1.2.2e: Existing outdoor spaces within OC are identified and promoted that can be <br /> used as quiet meditation spaces for caregivers. <br /> ACTIONS: An outdoor play/exercise area at the Seymour Center is in the county's Capital <br /> Improvement Plan. <br /> Outdoor areas at the Passmore and Seymour Centers have been made more comfortable <br /> and inviting...Gardens at Seymour experiencing a revamp. <br /> Wellness signs delivered to Town of Hillsborough for the bus stops and in dialogue with the <br /> Town of CH for bus stops where older adults are most riders and/or senior shuttle stops <br /> Plan to list quiet meditative spaces for caregiver in EP or other community publications <br /> when space is available. <br /> s. Bev Communications <br /> Communication and Information Workgroup—Year 1 Priorities <br /> Strategy 8.1.2: Further expand OCDOA communications to racially diverse and underserved communities. <br /> 8.1.2e.Tools, including contact forms,flyers, and signage, are created to support staff and front desk <br /> volunteers to welcome, interact with, and assist community members from diverse language backgrounds. <br /> • Senior centers' Inclusive Lobby Project(ILP) meetings with OCDOA director and communications <br /> team. <br /> • ILP to include in multiple languages: front door"welcome" signage (draft language complete),front <br /> desk signage, "leave your contact information"forms, center guest cards with instructions regarding <br /> translation help, and lobby informational videos(videos recorded with closed caption in English, <br /> Mandarin and Spanish). <br /> 8.1.2h. Local government agencies collaborate in outreach efforts to older adults using multiple media <br /> sources <br />