Orange County NC Website
Indicator Other non-municipal and non-profit trail owner/groups are invited to join <br /> MAP—Outdoor Spaces workgroup <br /> Indicator 1.1.1c: Older adults are educated on how to access information about <br /> participating in local government planning and are encouraged to contribute to <br /> meetings/hearings about outdoor spaces and buildings. <br /> Indicator 1.1.1d: Interactive strategies are developed to solicit input from older adults, with <br /> emphasis on racially diverse community members, regarding parks, outdoor spaces, and <br /> community development needs. <br /> ACTIONS: Working on a formal letter from Outdoor Spaces to the Aging Advisory Board to <br /> county/towns (CH, Carr, Mebane, OCDEAPR, Hills already has in place) for adoption of policy <br /> for an adult 55+ (or representative of older adults) on Advisory Boards that have input on <br /> Outdoor Spaces and Buildings. <br /> Invited: OC Disabilities Awareness Council; Mebane Parks & Rec; Snow Approach <br /> Foundation; Duke Forest; UNC-CH; OWASA; OC Commission for the Envirommnet <br /> An invite is in the Summer EP seeking input from communities and especially communities <br /> of color on how best to help them with the input and accessing information about <br /> participating in local government planning re: outdoor spaces and buildings and we are <br /> working on developing a workshop with this info. and making it available on our website. <br /> Objective 1.2: Improve equitable access, availability, convenience, and use of outdoor spaces <br /> and buildings by everyone. <br /> Strategy 1.2.1: Increase accessibility, diversity, and safety to encourage inclusiveness in <br /> public outdoor spaces and buildings by older adults of all abilities. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1a: Older adults' use of outdoor spaces is encouraged through multi-cultural <br /> special events and educational programs organized by and/or for older adults. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1b: A different park is highlighted quarterly, on the OCDOA website and in the <br /> Endless Possibilities Activity Guide, with the encouragement of participation by everyone. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1c: Community members are assisted by Senior Center staff in using <br /> interactive parks, greenways, and trails locator maps using short video tutorials. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1d: Trail intersections in need of signs/trail markers are identified by older <br /> adults and community members, and identified locations are shared with Responsible <br /> Agencies and other non-municipal and non-profit trail owners. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1e: Community members are educated on how to advocate and fund <br /> additional equipment (e.g., benches, bathrooms) in public spaces. <br /> Indicator 1.2.1f: The inclusion of universal design principles is promoted as standards in the <br /> development review processes of each jurisdiction. <br /> ACTIONS: Carrboro MLK day event at park 1/16; The Pauli Murray documentary was shown <br /> at Seymour 2/15; Hidden Figures movie for Women's History Month 3/13; Carrboro Senior <br />