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next week. One outside agency was recommended to come into our budget, which will relieve <br /> them of the grant paperwork. <br /> b. County employees will receive a 6%wage adjustment and we are very appreciative. The County <br /> Manager went into process wanting to maintain staff and recruit. <br /> c. We received everything that we asked for except a little temp money. <br /> 14. Outreach Efforts <br /> b. Janice asked everyone to let us know if they hear of community events where we might have an <br /> informational table. <br /> 2022-27 Master Aging Plan <br /> 15. Quarterly Reports from MAP Workgroup Leaders <br /> a. No report from: Transportation— Brandi; Housing— Kendall & Ryan; and Employment <br /> workgroups <br /> b. Shenae & Kim— MAP Community Support & Health Services Work Group Highlights for Year 1 <br /> Objective 7.1: Develop supports and resources to promote mental/ behavioral health <br /> Strategy 7.1.4: Develop and use a hoarding task force to support housing stability for older <br /> adults <br /> c. Hoarding Task force was created in year 1 <br /> d. Held monthly meetings—on average 20-25 community partners present <br /> e. Created a training for all Hoarding Task Force members 5/23/23 3-5pm <br /> Strategy 7.1.1: Offer training to increase knowledge for community members and professionals <br /> f. we've created a strong new partnership with our LME/MCO provider Alliance Health <br /> g. Alliance Health has provided 2 trainings MFHA and MHAD <br /> h. OCDoA- Dementia Education series being offered twice a month —on average about 30 <br /> people in attendance <br /> Objective 7.2: Expand enriching volunteer opportunities for older adults <br /> Strategy 7.2.2: Increase the number of Orange County older adults participating in existing <br /> volunteer opportunities <br /> i. For the current YR we have enrolled 46 new volunteers (I have an additional 14 <br /> scheduling orientations) <br /> j. We have enrolled 17 minority volunteers <br /> k. Volunteer appreciation event is Thursday June 8tn from 4-6 pm at the Seymour Center <br /> Objective 7.3: Coordinate local efforts to enhance access to affordable health care supports <br /> Strategy 7.3.1 Increase utilization of support services <br /> Durable Medical Equipment <br /> I. Since the creation of the program we have completed — 1,600 transactions <br /> m. For this current year we have —340 pieces in inventory to loan <br /> Objective 7.4: Expand services to help older adults age in community <br /> Strategy 7.2.2/Strategy 7.4.3: Support the establishment of new and existing community care <br /> neighborhoods/Strategy 7.4.4: Expand successful neighborhood connection ideas to reach rural <br /> neighbors <br /> Project EngAGE <br /> n. Class 6 launching September 13tn <br />