Orange County NC Website
12 <br />Durham-Chapel Hill Strikers has a total of 450 participants, with about 44 percent of these <br />residing in Orange County. Approximately 70 percent of participants are male and 90 percent <br />are white.. The program has no paid staff and 50 adult volunteers. Fees average $68 per <br />season. The group rents six fields for practices and four for matches; in Orange County, the <br />Strikers lease Scroggs and Homestead fields.. <br />In addition to these larger programs, instructional soccer is offered by the Orange County <br />Recreation and Parks Department and by the Chapel Hill/Carrboro YMCA. Orange County <br />Recreation and Parks offers Micro Soccer in the fall to Orange County residents aged 12 and <br />under; the program had 143 participants last fall and currently has 166 enrolled, In 1999, <br />approximately 54 percent were females and 91 percent were white. The program has two paid <br />staff and 12 volunteers and uses a softball field at the Northern Recreation Center.. Fees are <br />$30 per person,. <br />The Chapel Hill•Carrboro YMCA offers lessons and league play to approximately 300-400 <br />youth in Fall and Spring. The cost is $55 for members and $70 for nonmembers. <br />