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acre for areas east of US 15/501 and one unit per five acres for areas west of <br />Old Lystra Road) differ from the Rural Buffer specification ofsingle-family homes <br />situated on large lots having a minimum size of two acres. <br />2. Amend the Joint Planning Land Use Plan Map to change the designation of <br />the Chapel Hill Southern Transition Area to Rural Buffer. <br />Purpose: The May 2000 Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan and recently adopted <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement removed the <br />Southern Transition Area from the Urban Services Area. Existing low-density <br />development patterns and the lack of future water and sewer extension are <br />compatible with the designation of Rural Buffer which currently bounds the area <br />to the east. <br />These amendments require the approval of the Orange County Gommissioners, <br />Chapel Hill Town Council, and Carrboro Board of Aldermen. <br />C. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ATLAS <br />1. Amend the Orange County Zoning Atlas for the area currently designated <br />Chapel Hill Southern Transition Area and proposed for the Rural Buffer <br />land use category from Ghapel Hill R-LD-1 zoning to Orange County Rural <br />Buffer (RB) zoning. <br />Purpose: Changing the Joint Planning Area Land tJse Plan designation of the <br />Chapel Hill Southern Transition Area to Rural Buffer requires a subsequent <br />change in zoning to ensure plan/ordinance consistency and recognize the shift <br />from Chapel Hill to Orange County zoning jurisdiction. <br />This amendment requires the approval of the Orange County Commissioners. <br />D. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />1. Agricultural Business Options/Rural Enterprises <br />Purpose: To receive a brief report cn a proposal to allow a greater range of <br />agricultural enterprises in the rural areas, focusing on uses that offer farmers <br />supplemental revenue from agricultural products, businesses that are logical <br />extensions of farm uses, and services related to farming. Although this is a <br />countywide planning jurisdiction initiative, the report will focus on the Rural Buffer <br />portion of the Joint Planning Area. <br />This item is informational only and no action by the three governing boards is <br />needed. <br />2. Twin Creeks (Moniese Nomp) <br />Purpose: In December 2003, the Board of County Commissioners received the <br />report of the Ghapel Hill Township Park and Educational Campus Master Plan <br />