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3 <br /> utilize a surveyor to clearly mark the boundaries, but that it would have a definite expense. <br /> He noted, though, that Orange High School was the only school with current boundary <br /> uncertainties. <br /> Task Force Alternate Andre Stewart shared that school boundaries were not as much a <br /> problem for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS). The public being on school <br /> property after school hours was a greater concern for CHCCS. <br /> Co-Chair Hamilton noted that the Task Force did not need to focus on answers to <br /> concerns and asked if there were other potential revisions to the Draft Report. Task Force <br /> Member Schein asked if "school" would be better termed as "school staff" in <br /> Recommendation #3. <br /> A general discussion regarding Recommendation #6 occurred, with the suggestion that <br /> "counselor/mentor for students and for protecting them" be removed and that the <br /> language reference sharing information with all stakeholders. <br /> Task Force Alternate Stewart inquired whether Recommendation #7 provided for survey <br /> data to come from other survey activities and not just from safety-specific surveys. Co- <br /> Chair Hamilton responded that the interest was to be broad with the sources of <br /> information and the Recommendations. It was noted that current larger surveys <br /> conducted by the schools do include multiple safety and safety perception questions. <br /> 5. Consideration of Potential Changes to Draft Task Force Final <br /> Report/Recommendations Document <br /> Co-Chair Hamilton asked if there were any other potential modifications to the Report for <br /> consideration. With no additional items raised, Mr. Wilder utilized the presentation <br /> podium and visual monitors to scroll through the Draft Report and summarize the areas <br /> proposed for revision. He referenced the potential deletion of non-attendees from the <br /> cover page, the change to "right-of-ways", the May 11 to May 25 date correction, and the <br /> revisions discussed for Recommendations 2, 3 and 6. Mr. Wilder noted that he was <br /> temporarily setting aside in the summary the proposed update related for the Tinker case <br /> for more Task Force clarification on that potential revision. <br /> Task Force members discussed Recommendation #6 and determined the language <br /> should read, "The roles of SROs, teachers, and staff be clearly communicated among all <br /> stakeholders." <br /> Task Force Member Bradford noted that the reference to "(NCGS 115C.105.49)" had a <br /> typo that needed correcting. Task Force Member Bradford further suggested that, to <br /> address the proposed "Tinker" addition, the phrase "(Tinker v. Des Moines)" be inserted <br /> into the partial paragraph at the top of page 6. <br />