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22 . Acknowledgment of Funding Source . The Service Provider shall identify and acknowledge Capital Area <br /> Workforce Development Board as the funding source in all oral presentations , written documents , press <br /> releases , and/or printed materials created for public information, marketing , recruitment, etc . of WIOA <br /> services and activities resulting from this agreement. Said acknowledgment shall use the following wording <br /> at minimum, "Funding provided" or "funding in part" (as appropriate ) " by Capital Area Workforce <br /> Development Board . " The Service Provider shall obtain the approval of Capital Area before releasing or <br /> using printed or electronic materials including the name Capital Area Workforce Development Board, <br /> NCWorks and/or the Wake County logo . <br /> 23 . Audits , Inspections and Compliance Monitoring . <br /> At any time during normal business hours and as often as Capital Area, the NC Division of Workforce <br /> Solutions , the US Department of Labor, Wake County or their designated representatives may deem <br /> necessary, the Service Provider shall make available to Capital Area for examination, all of its records with <br /> respect to all matters covered by this agreement . Capital Area, the NC Division of Workforce Solutions , the <br /> US Department of Labor, Wake County and/or their designated representatives shall have the authority to <br /> audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from records , including all invoices , materials, payrolls , <br /> non- confidential employee records , conditions of employment, and/or other data relating to all matters <br /> covered by this Contract . <br /> i <br /> a . To review contract performance related to compliance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, <br /> provision of services , and progress toward attainment of project outcomes , Capital Area will conduct on - <br /> site monitoring during the contract period . On - site monitoring by Capital Area shall occur at least once <br /> per year and will generally include review * of the following areas : fiscal, programmatic , center <br /> operations , if applicable , contract compliance and performance , and participant data reporting . Capital <br /> Area agrees to provide written summaries of the results of any inspection, audit, monitoring, or other <br /> process relating to Capital Area ' s monitoring of the Service Provider ' s performance under this contract. <br /> b . The Service Provider agrees to comply with all applicable Federal, State and local statutes , laws and <br /> regulations including, but not limited to , the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Public Law <br /> 113428 , Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Final Rules , when fmalized, the Common Rule <br /> and 29 CFR Parts 93 and 98 , Lobbying, Debarment and Suspension regulations . <br /> c . The Service Provider agrees that annual audits required under the Uniform Guidance found at 2 CFR, <br /> Part 200 — Subpart F will be conducted and that a copy of the audit will be forwarded to Capital Area <br /> within ten ( 10) days after the report is received by the Service Provider . <br /> d . In the event that such fiscal or a special audit determines that the Service Provider has expended funds <br /> which are questioned under the criteria set forth herein, the Service Provider shall be notified and given <br /> 11 <br />