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® Partnership <br /> Funds provided under this agreement shall be used to implement a comprehensive youth service delivery <br /> system, which includes the fourteen required WIOA youth program elements as described in Section <br /> 129 (c) (2) of the law . The availability , through WIOA funds and collaboration with other resources , of the <br /> fourteen ( 14) required elements must be assured by the Service Provider in order to assess each youth ' s <br /> individual needs and to tailor services to identified needs . Services shall be provided to both in - school and <br /> out- of- school youth . Not less than 75 % of the WIOA funds must be spent on out- of- school youth . Not less <br /> than 25 % of WIOA funds must be spent on Work-Based Learning . All youth served shall be ages 14 -24 <br /> and shall meet the WIOA youth eligibility requirements specified by Capital Area and WIOA Final <br /> Regulations . As part of a year round strategy to improve youths ' academic achievement and build <br /> connections between work and education, the Service Provider shall partner with the public schools , <br /> alternative schools , community colleges , and training providers to extend learning opportunities for both <br /> in - school and out- of- school youth . In- school- youth who are assessed to be basic skills deficient shall have <br /> their individual service strategy . Instruction options that vary from <br /> at least one basic skill goal as part of the <br /> one - on-one tutoring and computer-based remediation to work-based learning opportunities shall be <br /> available to all youth . A variety of workforce development activities shall also be provided to help in- <br /> school and out- of- school youth identify personal and vocational interests and to begin to work toward long - <br /> term employment goals . <br /> The Service Provider shall ensure that the following requirements are met for all youth who are served <br /> under this agreement : eligibility determination, verification and certification, WIOA enrollment, <br /> comprehensive assessment, individual service strategy (ISS ) , comprehensive case management, <br /> information and referrals , appropriate WIOA service elements , including not less than 12 months of <br /> follow-up services . <br /> 3 . Mana ement Information System and Accountability . Accountabilityis an essential aspect of the <br /> � v tv <br /> p <br /> administration of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. WIOA services and outcomes must be <br /> tracked, and state and federal reporting requirements must be met. The North Carolina Division of <br /> Workforce Solutions has developed an automated Management Information System through Geographic <br /> Solutions called Virtual One - Stop (VOS) to provide for the storage and maintenance of data that is <br /> necessary to comply with state and federal requirements . The Division of Workforce Solutions uses <br /> information in this system to determine each Local Area ' s outcomes on the federal WIOA Primary <br /> Indicators of Performance . <br /> An individual participant record is created in VOS for each youth served under WIOA . The Service <br /> Provider shall use the VOS system to track all WIOA participants from initial contact through <br /> intake/application, eligibility, enrollment into WIOA activities , case management, exit from WIOA, and <br /> 3 <br />