Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2023 - 029 <br /> than one installment financing , and may include installment financings with <br /> equipment vendors and installment financings that include the use of limited <br /> obligation bonds . The Manager and Finance Officer have advised the Board that <br /> it should adopt this resolution to document the County ' s plans for reimbursement , <br /> in order to comply with certain federal tax rules relating to reimbursement from <br /> financing proceeds . <br /> • The Community Loan Fund will issue no interest loans to recipients in this <br /> program . <br /> • The County has adopted a policy to fund no interest loans to Non - Profit <br /> organizations that meet certain financial criteria , as adopted on September 20 , <br /> 2018 . <br /> • The County will include in its Travel Policy that travel expenses for <br /> Commissioners and County Staff will include the purchase of carbon offsets for <br /> any airfare and the miles traveled by Car Share vehicles . <br /> Section IX . Internal Service Fund - Health and Dental Insurance Fund <br /> The Health and Dental Insurance Fund accounts for receipts of premium payments from <br /> the County and its employees , employees for their dependents , all retirees and the <br /> payment of employee and retiree claims and administration expenses . Projected receipts <br /> and fund reserves from the County and employees for fiscal year 2023 - 24 will be <br /> $ 16 , 251 , 634 , and projected expenses for claims and administration for fiscal year 2023 - <br /> 24 will be $ 16 , 251 , 634 . <br /> Section X. Other Post Employment Benefits Fund <br /> Orange County , North Carolina <br /> Other Post- Employment Benefits ( OPEB ) Investment and Funding Policy <br /> • Each fiscal year the County funds its OPEB benefits coming due to current retires on <br /> a pay- as—you - go ( PAYGO ) basis from the Health and Dental Fund . <br /> • The County recognizes that by setting additional funds from the PAYGO amounts <br /> now to pay future benefits , the County can pay a portion of those future benefits <br /> from investment earnings on those funds . <br /> • The County strives to make investments consistent with the long -term nature of <br /> assets set aside for payment of OPEB benefits . The County will invest funds through <br /> the NC Treasurer' s Office in Equites , Long -term Bonds and other investments as <br /> authorized by North Carolina General Statutes 147 - 69 . 2 ( b5 ) . <br /> • The Finance Officer will regularly evaluate the appropriate allocation of such OPEB <br /> investments between Equities , Long -term Bonds and Shorter-term investments and <br /> make adjustments as necessary . <br /> Section XI . Custodial Funds <br /> Custodial Funds are used to report any fiduciary activities not reported in Investment <br /> Trust or Private - Purpose Trust Funds . In North Carolina , examples of Custodial Funds <br /> are the Jail Inmate Fund , and the property taxes collected by the County on behalf of a <br /> municipality (the Chapel HilkCarrboro City Schools District Tax Fund ) . <br /> Section XII . Encumbrances <br /> Operating funds encumbered by the County as of June 30 , 2023 are hereby <br /> reappropriated to this budget . <br /> 9 <br />