Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2023 - 029 <br /> Community Giving Fund <br /> Donations $ 90 , 000 <br /> Total Community Giving Fund $90, 000 <br /> County Capital Reserve Fund <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 17038 , 010 <br /> Total County Capital Reserve Fund $ 1, 038, 010 <br /> Section IV . Tax Rate Levy <br /> There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 2023-24 a general county-wide tax rate of 83 . 53 <br /> cents per $ 100 of assessed valuation . This rate shall be levied in the General Fund . <br /> Special district tax rates are levied as follows : <br /> Cedar Grove 9200 <br /> Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District 13 . 87 <br /> Damascus 12 . 80 <br /> Efland 10 . 28 <br /> Eno 9 . 98 <br /> Little River 7 . 39 <br /> New Hope 12 . 57 <br /> Orange Grove 8 . 27 <br /> Orange Rural 10 . 49 <br /> South Orange Fire Service District 9 . 09 <br /> Southern Triangle Fire Service District 12 . 80 <br /> White Cross 13 . 84 <br /> Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School District 19 . 80 <br /> Section V. General Fund Appropriations for Local School Districts <br /> The following FY 2023 -24 General Fund Appropriations for Chapel Hill - Carrboro <br /> City Schools and Orange County Schools are approved : <br /> a ) Current Expense appropriation for local school districts totals $ 102 , 942 , 576 , and <br /> equates to a per pupil allocation of $ 5 , 346 . <br /> 1 ) The Current Expense appropriation to the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City <br /> Schools is $ 601158 , 538 . <br /> 2 ) The Current Expense appropriation to the Orange County Schools is <br /> $42 , 7847038 . <br /> b) School Related Debt Service for local school districts totals $ 21 , 322 , 130 . <br /> c) Additional County funding for local school districts totals $ 6 , 588 , 025 . <br /> • School Resource Officers and School Health Nurses Contracts - total <br /> appropriation of $ 3 , 888 , 025 to cover the costs of School Resource Officers in <br /> 6 <br />