Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2023 - 029 <br /> c) Revenues <br /> The following fund revenues are estimated to be available to complete the projects : <br /> CSLRF Funds $ 2878391722 <br /> d ) The Finance Director is hereby directed to maintain sufficient specific detailed <br /> accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor agency and the <br /> grant agreements . <br /> e ) The Finance Director is hereby directed to report the financial status of the fund <br /> annually . <br /> f) Copies of this grant project ordinance shall be filed with the County Manager and <br /> the Finance Director . <br /> g ) This grant project ordinance expires on December 31 , 2026 , or when all the <br /> CSLRF funds have been obligated and expended by the county , whichever <br /> occurs sooner . <br /> 15 <br />