Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2023 - 029 <br /> 4 . Provide premium pay for essential workers , offering additional support to <br /> those who have borne and will bear the greatest health risks because of <br /> their service in critical infrastructure sectors ; and , <br /> 5 . Invest in water , sewer , and broadband infrastructure , making necessary <br /> investments to improve access to clean drinking water, support vital <br /> wastewater and stormwater infrastructure , and to expand access to <br /> broadband internet . <br /> b) Appropriations <br /> There is hereby appropriated the following project amounts . This Section b shall be <br /> amended as necessary to describe and authorize other projects to be funded by this <br /> Grant Project Ordinance . : <br /> Project Name Appropriation <br /> Senior Lunch Program $ 1191229 <br /> Replacement Temporary Facility Modifications $ 511136 <br /> Point Ionization — Detention Center $ 68 , 800 <br /> ARPA Grant Compliance Position — CJRD $ 381751 <br /> Durham Tech Community College for Small Business Center $ 70 , 000 <br /> First Responder Behavioral Health Program $ 45 , 000 <br /> Powered Air Purifying Respirators ( PAPRS ) $ 124 , 000 <br /> American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coordinator $ 1337772 <br /> Affordable Housing — Home Repairs $ 1201000 <br /> Housing Locator $ 657705 <br /> Landlord Incentive Program $ 757000 <br /> Eviction Diversion $ 1671046 <br /> Government Alliance on Racial Equity Youth Program $ 461540 <br /> Language Access Services $ 151000 <br /> Broadband Infrastructure Design and Implementation $ 101000 , 000 <br /> Long Time Homeowner Assistance Program $ 5161364 <br /> Long Time Homeowner Assistance Program Software $ 81905 <br /> Countywide Food Distribution and Storage $ 601000 <br /> Youth Enhancement Fund $ 253000 <br /> Stabilization Program for Former Foster Youth $ 10 , 000 <br /> Support for Low Income Families $ 251000 <br /> Fire District P25 Phase II Compliant Radio Replacement $ 2 , 5621300 <br /> Housing Helpline $ 237 , 292 <br /> Childcare Support Parent Fees $ 5401000 <br /> Emergency Housing Assistance $ 3 , 7143882 <br /> Revenue Replacement $ 107000 , 000 <br /> Unallocated / Unassigned $ 0 <br /> Total $ 28 , 839 , 722 <br /> 14 <br />