Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2023 - 029 <br /> 3 . $ 50 , 000 , for the purchase of services not subject to competitive bidding under <br /> North Carolina law ; and <br /> 4 . $ 50 , 000 , for the purchase of services subject to the qualifications - based <br /> selection process in the Mini - Brooks Act ; provided that such threshold shall apply <br /> to a contract only if the County has exercised an exemption to the Mini - Brooks Act , <br /> in writing , for a particular project pursuant to G . S . 143 - 64 . 32 . If the exemption is <br /> not authorized , the micro - purchase threshold shall be $ 0 . <br /> b . The self- certification made herein shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall be <br /> applicable until June 30 , 2024 . <br /> c . In the event that the County receives funding from a federal grantor agency that adopts <br /> a threshold more restrictive than those contained herein , the County shall comply with the <br /> more restrictive threshold when expending such funds . <br /> d . The County shall maintain documentation to be made available to a Federal awarding <br /> agency , any pass -through entity , and auditors in accordance with 2 C . F . R . § 200 . 334 . <br /> e . The Chief Financial Officer of the County is hereby authorized to revise the Purchasing <br /> Policy of the Unit to reflect the increased micro - purchase thresholds specified herein as <br /> necessary , and to take all such actions to carry into effect the purpose and intent of the <br /> foregoing resolution . <br /> Section XVI . Grant Project Ordinance - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal <br /> Recovery Funds <br /> Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County that , pursuant to <br /> Section 13 . 2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina , the following <br /> grant project ordinance is hereby amended : <br /> a ) Section I . Budget Adoption <br /> There is hereby adopted the following Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery <br /> Funds of H . R . 1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 ( CSLRF ) grants project budget <br /> for Orange County by project according to the following summary : <br /> Fund Total Appropriation <br /> CSLRF Fund $ 28 , 839 , 722 <br /> These funds may be used for the following categories of expenditures , to the extent <br /> authorized by state and local law . <br /> 1 . Support public health expenditures , by funding COVID - 19 mitigation <br /> efforts , medical expenses , behavioral healthcare , and certain public <br /> health and safety staff; <br /> 2 . Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health <br /> emergency , including economic harms to workers , households , small <br /> businesses , impacted industries , and the public sector ; <br /> 3 . Replace lost public sector revenue , using this funding to provide <br /> government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue <br /> experienced due to the pandemic ; <br /> 13 <br />