Orange County NC Website
NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners that the following procedures and standards for affordable housing are hereby <br /> adopted and shall be followed : <br /> 1 . That the County declares the above eleven County- owned parcels as surplus . <br /> 2 . That the County Manager is hereby authorized, subject to legal review and approval by <br /> the County Attorney, to execute the necessary documents to convey the above described <br /> property either by negotiated sale or lease to private of public entity for the development <br /> of affordable housing for persons with low to moderate income . <br /> 3 . That the County may use or convey the property to either provide or partner with a <br /> federal , state, town, private or non-profit entity to provide affordable housing <br /> opportunities for persons of low to moderate income in Orange County . <br /> 4 . That any property conveyed for the development of affordable housing be developed <br /> within thirty months under procedures , standards and conditions established by the <br /> County, including the condition that the property be developed for sale or lease to <br /> persons of low or moderate income . <br /> 5 . The above listed properties owned by Orange County be conveyed for the development <br /> of affordable housing, as provided in North Carolina General Statutes 153A- 378 and <br /> 153A- 165 to either private or public entities , as the law allows , with extensive <br /> experience in developing and rehabilitating properties , preferably for persons of low or <br /> moderate income ; and who agree to develop and market the property for sale or lease to <br /> persons of low or moderate income . <br /> 6 . That as part of any such conveyance of property for development of affordable housing, <br /> covenants or conditions be attached to the property to assure the property will be <br /> developed by the entity for sale or lease to persons of low or moderate income . <br /> 7 . That if the Orange County Manager disposes the property by private sale at a negotiated <br /> price a notice summarizing the content of the resolution shall be published once after its <br /> adoption and no sale shall be consummated until 10 days after its publication . <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> that the Board authorizes the Chair to declare the above properties as surplus and authorize the <br /> County Manager as described in the June 20 , 2023 meeting materials . Upon motion of <br /> Commissioner? G*wcL-c &S , seconded by Commissioner , the foregoing <br /> resolution was adopted this theUday of 2023 . <br /> I, Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North <br /> Carolina, DO THEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the <br /> proceedings of said Board at a meeting held on7 .. , 2023 , as relates in any way to the <br /> adoption of the foregoing and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book No . of <br /> the minutes of said Board . <br /> WITNESS my hand and seal of said Coun4theay of - , 2023 . <br /> uensenl <br /> Clerk to the oard <br />