Orange County NC Website
Family Domain <br /> • 13 % of youth were kicked out of there home which is 7 % higher than the state rate . <br /> • 3 1 % of youth have a prior runaway history which is 9 % higher than the state rate . <br /> • 25 % of youth are living with family member with substance abuse problems . <br /> • 25 % of youth are living with family member with mental health problems . <br /> • 27 % of parents have marginal or inadequate supervision which is higher than state . <br /> School Domain <br /> • 40 % of youth are attending school which is less than the state rate of 51 % . <br /> • 50 % of youth are failing some or the majority of their classes . <br /> • 56 % of youth had an infraction and school intervention which is higher than the state . <br /> • NCDPI school data report card for 2021 -2022 shows a high rate of short-term <br /> suspensions per 1 , 000 youth for both school systems in Orange County . These <br /> suspensions show an ethnic disparity amongst black, two or more races and students with <br /> disabilities . <br /> Community and Peers Domain <br /> • 48 % of youth have some association with delinquent peers and 12 % of youth are <br /> associate with gangs or in a gang themselves . <br /> Alcohol and Drugs Domain <br /> • 42 % of youth answered yes to previous alcohol and/or drug use which is 4 % higher than <br /> the state rate , although this statistic is most likely under reported . <br /> • Only 11 % of those youth admitted to receiving substance abuse treatment . <br /> Mental Health Domain <br /> • 45 % of youth responded to having mental health problems and/or having a diagnosis <br /> • 28 % of youth had a prior physical and/or sexual abuse history which is higher than the <br /> state rate . <br /> • 20 % of youth were victims of physical assault which is 11 % higher than the state rate . <br /> Employment and Free Time Domain <br /> • Only 20 % of youth have one or more structured activity which is 5 % lower than the state <br /> rate suggesting more youth need structured activities . <br /> • 36 % of youth are involved in one or more unstructured activity which is 2 % higher than <br /> the state rate also suggesting youth need more structured activities . <br />