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19 <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked what the qualifications are for the Water Resources <br /> position. <br /> Tara May said she would send that information to the Board. <br /> 10. Jury Commission —Appointment Discussion <br /> The Board considered an appointment to the Jury Commission. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Jury Commission reviews the list of potential jurors and prepares the jury <br /> list. One appointment is made by the Board of Commissioners, one appointment is made by the <br /> Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, and the third appointment is made by the Clerk of Superior <br /> Court. <br /> The following individual is presented for Board consideration: <br /> NAME POSITION TYPE OF EXPIRATION <br /> DESCRIPTION APPOINTMENT DATE <br /> TERM <br /> Phyllis Horton At-Large First Full Term 06/30/2026 <br /> (BOCC Appointee) (reappointment) <br /> If the position listed above is filled, no vacancies remain. <br /> Tara May, Deputy Clerk to the Board, introduced the item. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott noted that the applications are dated from 2019. <br /> Tara May said she reached out to all of the applicants and they indicated that they are still <br /> interested. She said that because the Board only makes one appointment there is often a long <br /> time between when an application is submitted and when it is considered. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus on the recommended applicant. <br /> 11. Orange County Board of Adjustment—Appointments Discussion <br /> The Board considered appointments to the Orange County Board of Adjustment. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Board of Adjustment hears and decides on variance applications, appeals <br /> submitted related to official decisions/determinations made by the Planning Director, reviews and <br /> takes action on Class B Special Use Permit applications, as well as matters required to pass by <br /> the Unified Development Ordinance. <br /> The Board of County Commissioners appoints all seven (7) members. Due to the nature of its <br /> work, the Board of Adjustment does not make recommendations for appointment. <br /> The following individuals and position are presented for Board consideration: <br />