Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 3. Public Comments <br /> The board held a public hearing to receive comments on the FY24 recommended budget. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler and seconded by Vice-Chair McKee to open <br /> the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Public Comments: <br /> Margo Lakin asked the Board to maintain the budget lines for Fairview Park improvements <br /> and mitigation in the capital investment plan. She said that Fairview Park is an ideal location for <br /> meeting the public's recreational needs. She said there is a community center and existing tennis <br /> courts at the park. She said the additional three courts would increase availability to residents. <br /> She said that Fairview Park is in a walkable neighborhood and used by local and county residents. <br /> She said she believes the park is under capacity and there is untapped potential to build what the <br /> public needs for recreational facilities. She said there is easy access and egress for cars, <br /> reducing traffic within the neighborhood. She said earmarking development funds now to meet <br /> current and future needs is both progressive and proactive on the county's part. <br /> Jon Klein read the following statement: <br /> "I have been an Orange County resident since 1984. 1 am a retired family physician, a former <br /> member and chair of both the Orange County Board of Health, and the Orange County Schools <br /> Health Advisory Council. I speak with you tonight as the President of Swim for Charlie a 501 (c) <br /> 3 charitable organization with a mission "To equip children with life-saving water safety skills by <br /> providing a high-quality water safety program to second grade North Carolina students." <br /> Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children. 80% of children in low-income <br /> households have no water safety skills. 64% of Black, 45% of Latino, and 40% of white children <br /> have little to no swimming ability. 10 people drown each day in the US. Drownings can be reduced <br /> by 88% with a structured water safety skills program. Swim for Charlie was formed as a memorial <br /> legacy to Dr. Charles van der Horst who was an Orange County resident, internationally known <br /> infectious disease physician, Public Health crusader, philanthropist, and social equity advocate. <br /> He worked tirelessly to improve the health of those most vulnerable and he had a deep love for <br /> children. Swim for Charlie has been providing an 8-lesson water safety program to Orange <br /> County Schools' 2nd graders since February 2020. The program began in the 3 highest need <br /> Title I Orange County Schools. This year the program expanded to include all 7 Orange County <br /> Schools, offering the program to over 500 students. Swim for Charlie measures its success by <br /> participation and achievement. With a participation rate of 95% the program is valued by parents <br /> and students. For students starting with no water safety skills 65% have been made water safe, <br /> this translates to 200 students who now know how to save themselves if they fall into a body of <br /> water, such as a retention pond or lake. I have been told by teachers that there is greater <br /> attendance at school during the weeks of Swim for Charlie, as well as increased confidence in <br /> class resulting in improved academic achievement for those students participating. Swim for <br /> Charlie has submitted an Outside Agency Grant to help fund the continued expansion of the <br /> program from the 3 high need schools to include the additional 4 schools. The funding will help <br /> pay for part of the Program Director's salary as well as the cost of lifeguards and instructors. <br /> Other costs include swimsuits and towels for students who cannot afford them, a mesh bag for <br /> each student to transport their swimsuit/towel, certificates for students, pool supplies, and plaques <br /> to each new school in the program. Due to the significant impact Swim for Charlie has made and <br /> will make for Orange County citizens I request that you fund the grant. Thank you. <br /> Jim Tucker said he is a 26 year resident of Orange County. He said he was previously a <br /> board member for Community Home Trust. He said he was at the meeting to speak about Swim <br /> for Charlie, an organization for which he is a current board member. He said Swim for Charlie is <br />