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<br />OCS staff will rework and update the previous contract governing OHS facilities <br />and send it to County staff for comment; County staff will then send the contract <br />back to OCS staff, so they can have OCS Attorney finalize the contract for Board <br />of Education action <br />Other contractual work will be needed (e.g. governing athletic facilities at Cedar <br />Ridge and other schools), but that can be done later than and separate from the <br />OHS facility contract; at some point, it may make sense to roll all such <br />arrangements into one overall contract, but staffs recommend that the OHS <br />contract matter not be held up pending efforts to pursue one comprehensive <br />contract <br />Contract(s) need to emphasize building cleanliness, security, and energy <br />management considerations <br />Staffs will pursue the establishment of an annual contract that would set a flat <br />compensation amount (essentially, a retainer) from the County to OCS for the <br />planned and scheduled use of OCS facilities by all County departments (not just <br />Recreation & Parks); this will require County departments to identify each <br />summer their requested uses of OCS facilities for the upcoming academic year; <br />OCS staff would then coordinate those requests with school principals to <br />determine what requests can be worked into the individual school schedules; <br />once the master schedule is set at the beginning of the year, changes would be <br />worked in as it is possible to do so; OCS staff could prepare a revised bill at year <br />end if they believe actual use by the County of OCS facilities deviated <br />significantly from what was covered by the retainer <br />• County staff understand the OCS staff need to recoup their utility, operating, and <br />custodial costs; the retainer should be determined to fall somewhere between <br />the calculation of measurable hard costs plus other softer/less quantifiable costs <br />• The County Manager plans to discuss the status of arrangements with OCS for <br />facility use at the August 2005 Department Head meeting