Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS FACILITY FEES <br />MEETING SUMMARY <br />JUNE 30, 2005 <br />ATTENDING: Shirley Carraway, Pat Harris, Gwen Harvey, Paul Laughton, John Link, <br />George McFarley, Lori Taft, Rod Visser, Ardra Webster, Ann Wilkerson <br />Orange County and Orange County Schools staff met on Thursday, June 30 to discuss: <br />outstanding facility use fees owed by the County to OCS for 2004-05; possible <br />collaborative arrangements for County use of, and financial support for, OCS facilities in <br />2005-06; and ways to enhance public accessibility to school facilities, especially tennis <br />courts, in the future. <br />The following were some of the major points of discussion: <br />• The group identified a list of major issues/interests, from both the OCS and <br />County perspectives, and systematically reviewed how, by whom, and to what <br />extent those might be addressed <br />• OCS staff will take the next step at examining how security at Cedar Ridge HS <br />might be reworked to expand tennis court and track access to the public while <br />minimizing the potential for vandalism <br />• OCS and County staff will review the 2004-05 fees, make sure they are <br />mathematically accurate and legitimate, figure out what's due, and the County <br />will get the bill paid <br />• OCS staff explained in general terms the energy management contract that is in <br />place that requires them to achieve certain utilities cost reductions or pay <br />penalties to the energy management contractor; this is one reason why OCS <br />staff must be so particular about managing activities in or on school facilities <br />outside of normal school hours <br />OCS staff estimate that the cost to completely redo the Orange HS tennis courts <br />will run from $45,000 to $60,000; OCS has $30,000 budgeted for this; in keeping <br />with the long-standing agreement that the County and OCS will split tennis court <br />maintenance costs, the Manager will recommend that the BOCC consider at their <br />August 16, 2005 meeting appropriating funds for the County's share of this <br />project; OCS staff will work out with school teams the 7-10 days of downtime <br />that will be needed for the court repair project to be completed later this summer <br />OCS staff will examine the degree to which OHS staff might be able to relieve <br />Rec & Parks staff of some responsibility (and cost) for opening OHS tennis <br />courts on school days <br />OCS staff will take the lead in checking with the electric company the feasibility of <br />putting OHS tennis court lights on timers (the bill for OHS court lights comes <br />directly to Rec & Parks staff and is paid by the County)