Orange County NC Website
High School #3 <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />Capital Project Ordinance <br />n F ~. <br />Y-~-h!i:iC~i+t„-toll l~ ~..~(/~ <br />~Cl <br />Be it ordained by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners that pursuant to Section 1.32 of <br />Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of Noxtlr Carolina, the following capital project is hereby adopted.. <br />Section 1. The project authorized provides funds for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to acquire <br />property for and begin planning foi° the design, conshuction, and equipping of a new high <br />school facility.. Anticipated revenues for the project consist of 2001 voter approved bond <br />fiords, school constniction impact fees, and a private placement loan. <br />Section 2. The officers of the County are hereby directed to proceed with the project within the budget <br />contained herein. <br />Section 3. The following revenue is anticipated to complete this project: <br /> n•oug ~ <br />2002-03 <br />FY 2003-04 u•oug ~ <br />2003-04 <br />Sales Tax $0 $0 <br />c xoo onstrucnon <br />Im act Fees <br />$0 <br />$4,130,523 <br />$4,130,523 <br />u is coo ut mg <br />Funds <br />$0 <br />$0 <br />2001 Bonds $0 $0 <br />Other $0 $0 <br />Total Tundin $0 $4,130,523 $4,130,523 <br />Section 4. The following amount is appropriated for this project: <br /> 11uough FY <br />2002-03 <br />F'I'2003-04 Tluough FY <br />2003-01 <br />Construction $0 $0 <br />Site ttisition $0 $2,535,700 $2,535,700 <br />Site Develo runt $0 $0 $0 <br />Fea $0 $1,103,000 $1,103,000 <br />Mobile Classroons $0 491,823 $491,823 <br />Teclmolo $0 $0 <br />Constnwtion Contu~ c $0 $0 <br />One-Tvi~e Start U Costs $0 $0 <br />Total Cos 50 $4,130,523 54,130,523 <br />Section 5. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Orange County's "Policy on Platming and Fturding School <br />Capital Projects", the Board of Commissioners will appoint one Commissioner <br />representative (Commissioner Margaret Brown) and one or two staff' representatives to <br />partner with school representatives as project plans develop. <br />