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3 <br />school totals $27,8 million with the prospects for an additional $2.2 million to be added to the <br />project budget if CHCCS includes various "smart growth" construction initiatives acceptable <br />to the BOCC. On June 26, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners approved a capital <br />project ordinance in the amount of $2,770,075 to cover the costs associated with the land <br />purchase ($2,535,700) and a portion of the professional fees ($234,375). <br />The district recently entered into a contract to purchase two tracts of land for the school and <br />is pursuing "eminent domain" to acquire the third parcel needed for the school site, While <br />waiting for the land transactions to be completed, CHCCS has moved forward with <br />preliminary design and site work for the new high school.. At this time, the CHCCS Board of <br />Education is requesting that the BOCC approve an additional appropriation of $868,625 in <br />School Construction Impact Fees to cover the cost of design work along with other survey <br />and site work. The following chart provides details regarding the request from CHCCS; <br /> Amount Vendor <br />Schematic design $218,000 Mosley Architects <br />Design Development $270,000 Mosley Architects <br />Construction Documents - $270,000 50% of total Mosley Architects <br />Site Engineering $150,000 CLH Design <br />Property Surveys $95,000 CLH Design <br />Sub-surface Analysis $50,000 Froehling & Robertson <br />Tec no ogy onsultant $50,000 to be determined <br />Total Professional Services <br />Contracts to Date <br />$1,103,000 <br />Less amount approved by BOCC <br />on June 26, 2003 <br />$234,375 <br />Ilona ro essiona <br />Services Requested by CHCCS <br />for High School #3 <br /> <br />$868,625 <br />In accordance with the BOCC Policy on Planning and Funding School Capital Projects, the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools plans to present the preliminary design to the <br />Commissioners later this winter after the Board of Education has approved it. <br />Commissioner Brown is the BOCC appointed representative to work directly with the Board <br />of Education on this project,. <br />In accordance with the attached letter dated November 20, 2002 from BOCC Chair Barry <br />.Jacobs addressed to CHCCS Chair Valerie Foushee, the CHCCS Board of Education is <br />requesting that the BOCC appropriate $491,823 in School Construction Impact Fees to <br />cover the cost of the purchase and placement of eight mobile classrooms. Four of the units <br />are located at Chapel Hill High and four at East Chapel Hill High, <br />Of the total units placed, CHCCS purchased seven from GE Modular at a per unit cast of <br />$41,935 for a total of $293,545. With regard to the eighth unit, the district is using a mobile <br />classroom provided by NC State University Solar Center as part of a test of energy efficient <br />units, The district did not have to purchase the unit but did have to cover the cost of site <br />preparation and installation. The chart below offers details related to the purchase and <br />installation of the mobile units: <br />