Orange County NC Website
~b <br />The school board's direction to proceed with the acquisition of up to 15 mobile <br />classrooms should be carried out with the recognition that it must be <br />accomplished within the constraint of the $27.8 million available for high school <br />space, or from other GHCCS pay-as-you-go funding. <br />7, Funding for a fifth middle school is not included in the County's 10 year CIP. The <br />possible need for such a facility should prove an appropriate test far the jointly <br />adopted Schools Adequate Public Facilities system and the associated student <br />projection methodologies, <br />8.. The BOCC concurs with the school board that the community will be well served <br />by plans to pursue three distinct school facilities at the CHATPEC site. <br />We look forward to working with CHCCS an the identification of possible <br />additional school sites, and pledge the assistance of the County's GIS system to <br />expand our mutual capabilities to identify and analyze the pool of potentially <br />available and suitable sites. <br />On behalf of the BOCC, we welcome the opportunity to work with your board in planning <br />and providing timely and highly functional school facilities to serve our students and the <br />wider community for many decades to come, <br />Sincerely, <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />