Orange County NC Website
45 <br /> voting members and unauthorized alternates are not permitted to vote. In the absence of any <br /> direction from these Operating Procedures,Robert's Rules of Order shall govern voting procedures. <br /> ARTICLE VI—AMENDMENTS TO OPERATING PROCEDURES <br /> Amendments to these Operating Procedures of the Orange SWG shall require the affirmative vote <br /> of all Orange SWG's eligible voting members, provided that written notice of the proposed <br /> amendment has been received by each member at least seven(7) days prior to the meeting at which <br /> the amendment is to be considered and provided that such amendment does not conflict with the <br /> letter or fundamental intent of the Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement governing this <br /> document. In the event of any conflict, the Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement shall carry <br /> precedence over these Operating Procedures. <br /> Approved by the Orange Staff Working Group on <br /> Approved by the Orange County Board of Commissioners on <br /> Approved by the GoTriangle Board of Trustees on <br /> Approved by the DCHC MPO Policy Board on <br /> 6 <br />