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35 <br /> Attachment 3 <br /> Orange County Transit Work Program Amendment Policy <br /> Following the adoption of the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program, project sponsors and Orange <br /> County Transit lead agency staff may need to make changes to the scope or budget for approved Orange <br /> County Transit Annual Work Program implementation elements;to add or remove implementation elements <br /> from an applicable Work Program;or to make changes to other components of Orange County Transit Annual <br /> Work Programs,such as the controlling components of project funding agreements that tie to Orange County <br /> Transit Annual Work Program implementation elements(i.e.,agreement periods of performance or reporting <br /> requirements),financial model assumptions that support the applicable Work Program, or scopes of work or <br /> funding amounts for future programmed implementation elements. Project sponsors may also need or desire <br /> for the operating funds allocated in an annual Work Program to be encumbered and carried over to a <br /> subsequent Work Program budget.The policies and procedures for making these changes are outlined below. <br /> Amendment Requests: Requests should be submitted to the SWG Administrator using an Orange County <br /> Transit Annual Work Program Amendment Request Form in accordance with the published annual <br /> amendment schedule. <br /> Amendment Types: <br /> 1. The following Work Program amendment scenarios shall be classified as Minor <br /> Amendments: <br /> a. An amendment that requires a transfer between budget ordinance appropriations but requires <br /> less than a 20%change to a project appropriation for projects equal to or less than $250,000; <br /> b. Changes to any adopted financial assumptions supporting the applicable Work Program that <br /> does not have a significant impact on the overall revenue or expenditure forecast, which is <br /> defined to be no more than a one percent (1%) over the life of the plan; <br /> c. Changes in reporting requirements for performance on implementation elements authorized in <br /> the applicable Work Program; <br /> d. Changes in funding amounts lessthan$250,000for implementation elements programmed in future <br /> fiscal years; <br /> e. Any other change that does not meet any of the criteria of a Minor Amendment is a Major <br /> Amendment. <br /> 2. The following Work Program amendment scenarios shall be classified as Major <br /> Amendments: <br /> a. A project requested to be added to the Work Program. <br /> b. A project requested to be removed from the Work Program. <br /> c. Changes to any adopted financial assumptions supporting the applicable Work Program that <br /> does have a significant impact on the overall revenue or expenditure forecast, which is defined <br />