Orange County NC Website
33 <br /> Bus Operating Cost Per Hour Policy <br /> Transit agencies will be reimbursed for the following cost categories: <br /> • Operations <br /> • Fuel <br /> • Maintenance <br /> • Supervision of operators, safety, and maintenance staff <br /> No overhead may be charged to the Tax District as part of bus service operations including service <br /> planning, financial management, management of contracts with operators or interlocal agreements, <br /> capital purchases, leasing of facilities, non-operations facility maintenance, etc. Those costs may be <br /> requested and paid for through other Transit Plan projects subject to approval of the Transit Plan and <br /> Annual Work Program. <br /> The approval of the annual work program will include an estimated cost per hour for each agency.This <br /> cost per hour should be consistent with the transit agency's overall cost per hour paid through other <br /> funding sources.As such,the Transit Plan and local funding growth rates should be consistent when <br /> controlling for any new or expanded services. If any agency requests an increase that exceeds 2.5% <br /> compared to the previous year's Work Plan, transit agencies will be encouraged to submit a second <br /> quarter amendment that will include documentation to the Staff Working Group to verify their budgets <br /> meet this policy and be included as part of the recommendation of the amendment request. If the <br /> increase is recommended by the Staff Working Group,the revised cost per hour will be the starting <br /> point plus 2.5% increase for the following years cost per hour. <br /> Reimbursements will be made based on the estimated cost per hour for quarters 1, 2, and 3. Quarter 4 <br /> will include a reconciliation based on the actual annual cost per hour.Transit agencies are expected to <br /> complete the Durham Transit Reimbursement year-end reconciliation template that is included in the <br /> reimbursement template. The cost per hour that is listed in the reconciliation template should be <br /> consistent with other funding source cost per hours across the transit agency's network. <br /> GoTriangle will use a consistent cost per hour across all three County Transit Plans (i.e., Durham, Orange <br /> &Wake Counties). <br /> 12 <br />